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The sun fighting with the curtain to shine through, winning as the wind blew the curtain and helped the sun hit your eyes. Groaning and turning away you then ended up coming face to face with a mochi.

His face all puffy and one of his cheeks being very chubby due to it being squashed on the pillow. His hair brushing over his eyes as he snuggles into his pillow.

"Ugly" you whisper laughing. He hears you and pushed your face away from his. "Bitch" he mumbles. You laugh and sit up, making sure to wrap the blanket around your cold nude body.

"Come on wake up" you whine as you push him softly. He groans and hides himself under the blanket. You yank the blanket off just to see his bare abs, "you like what you see" he smirks as he sits up.

You scoff at his reaction. "You smell go shower" you snap back. He just laughs and gets up, only in his boxers as he struts off shaking his ass at you. You shake your head smiling and lay back down waiting for your turn to shower.

A few minutes later he comes out, his thick hair dripping wet, the towel around his waist, his first half still a bit wet. He looks at you "go shower you smell more" he chimes.

You roll your eyes, and stand up, "oh god Y/n round two" he laughs, you wrap yourself with a blanket and smack his arm "as if" you say and enter the bathroom.

You drop the blanket on the floor, then pick it up and place it in the laundry basket, you then look in the mirror and your a mess. You get into the shower and turn the hot water on.

The water dancing around your body, not leaving a single place dry, your hair dropping wet onto your shoulders, scrubbing away and singing, while your playlist plays in the back.

Shampooing your hair and then getting it in your eyes, you scream internally and wash it off, somehow getting some into your mouth, you gag at the taste and gurgle it all out.

After you shower you wrap a towel around your body, you then dry off your body and grab the jasmine scented lotion and put it all over your body. You then wrap the towel around you again and walk out of the bathroom.

You look around the room and he was not there, until you smelt pleasure, "my little chef" you smiled thinking to yourself. You then walk to the cupboard filled with you clothes, you have clothes here incase of any 'emergencies'.

Your all clothed as you walked out to the kitchen. "God Y/n go dry your hair or we will seriously go for round two" he says placing a plate on the table. "Horny shit" you give a dirty look and walk into the room.

After drying your hair you come back and sit opposite him, you look at the table filled with all your favourite breakfast food, you smile brightly. "Thanks" you chimed as you both dug in.

Having casual conversations, laughing, eating, bullying each other, "what are you doing today" he asked.

"The girls want to meet today, what about you" you ask as you bite into your pancake.

"Same the boys want to meet" he said, "i will drop you off" he continued. You nodded your head, grabbing everything to wash as he cooked.

You lived two doors down from Jimin, practically your his neighbour so there was no problem if you had to go home. You moved out from the girls house and wanted to live alone. Jimin did the same and moved out the boys house. Surprisingly you both moved two doors away and were so excited.

"Let's go daydreamer" he flicked your head
"Ouch" you replied pouting and rubbing your forehead, glaring at him who was laughing.

You both grabbed your jackets and put your shoes on as he grabbed his car keys. You walked out and he followed, closing his door behind him.

Walking over to his car and then driving off. Blasting music in his car, both of us dancing and singing looking like idiots but you both did not care.

"If you want me to pick you up later let me know" he said as you got out of the car, you nodded your head, as you walked up to your friends house. You saw Jimin drive off and you rang the doorbell.

"Coming" shouted a voice behind the door, you could hear the footsteps stop at the front door and it swung open revealing one of your friends.

"Y/n" she smiled, hugging you
"Hey Chungha" you smiled back.

Chungha one out of five of your friends. She was smart and a little cute weirdo.

Walking in you see your other three friends stuffing their face with pizza this early in the morning, it was only eleven.

"Pizza in the morning seriosuly.....give me one" you wink smiling, walking over and joining them. We all sat there eating and talking.

Your other three friends were Jessi, who was a badass, savage and cute. Then there is Sunmi, clumsy, sexy and kind. Last but not least is Ji-eun who we call Iu, she is sweet and soft.

As i mentioned five friends, there is also Hyolyn a cute dork, but she is currently overseas studying.

The girls mentioned that they want to go to the mall and you agreed. Everyone got ready and we all were off.


We entered the mall and all split, we decided to meet at the food court at two as it was currently twelve. You bought a few new outfits for when University starts, and stationery.

You and all your friends are officially in last year University, it was summer holiday right now and in two days our University is going to be open again.

As you looked at your phone it was currently five minutes till two, so you made your way to the food court. You saw the girls sitting on our usual seats, you walked there and sat down.

"Wheres Sunmi" you questioned the missing member. "Oh there she is" Jessi said pointing at a girl holding over ten bags, struggling.

"I knew someone should have gone with her" sighed Iu. Sunmi smiled and sat down as we all ordered some food and just conversed away.

"Hows your best friend Y/n" asked Chungha
"Urm fine" you said confused in the random question.
"God if i had a best friend like that i would fuck him" laughed Iu. Your eyes widened, yes they did not know that you do fuck your best friend.

"Ew never he is just a friend" you nervously laughed.
"You have a boyfriend stop thinking of other guys" you snapped back at Iu
"We are arguing at the moment" she sighed biting into a chip.

You just shook your head, they both are always arguing but it is never big so that is why you and your friends never fuss. Plus you could see that they both love each other, they are just too childish sometimes.

"Talking about the devils... two o'clock" Chungha says. You all looked there and saw all seven of your other best friends coming towards you lot. "Who, where" said Sunmi confused looking at the wrong direction.

You all laughed at her and pointed as she turned "ooohhh" she said. The boys came over all smiling.

"Ladiessss~" Namjoon said in a seventies type of way, pointing his finger at us and winking. You rolled your eyes at him smiling at his flirtatious behaviour. "Oh god Y/n" he held his hand on his chest. You looked at him confused.

"Your smile, it hurts, my heart is going to explode" he acted as if he was in pain, everyone groaned as you threw some fries at him laughing. "Stop flirting with my best friend" Jimin laughed.

You rolled your eyes and turned to see Iu and Taehyung making out. "Ew i thought you guys were arguing" you raised your brow. "We were" she emphasised and winked. You rolled your eyes again, they might end up rolling out, this is what you were talking about.

They all sat down, Jimin opposite you as you were in between Jungkook and Sunmi.

We all sat there eating, talking, just being normal teenagers, well adults to be honest but we were still kids in our hearts. Jin kept saying his silly dad jokes as we all threw fries at him laughing. The funny part was how Yoongi and Jessi would ignore Jin and just eat and talk over him.

"Lets go back to ours and have a sleepover" chimed Jungkook. We all agreed and made our way back to the boys house. Before that we went to our house and grabbed our essentials.

"Let the sleepover begin"

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