[7]: Engaged

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        I sat there, not really listening to Alex and Damien's conversation.  My mind to preoccupied with maintaining an indifferent facade.  My body tense as I was forcing my body not to react in any way to Damien's.  It was taking everything in me, to keep my feelings in check.  I hadn't been this close to Damien in over a year.  Not allowing myself to get close.  After reading the book I had, I realized that in I had to stay as far away from him physically as possible.  Our wolves would call upon each other, and with mine getting weaker, his wolf would want to soothe it's mate.  While the man, himself, did not.  He had made his choice, and it was on me to respect it.  No matter what our bodies and wolves said otherwise.

        I only heard bits and pieces of the conversation flowing around me.  Something about rogue attacks, and contacting other Alphas.  Not really paying any attention.  In a hope to further distract myself from Damien, I watched as waiters and waitresses began filing out of the back door.  Each carefully balancing two plates on each arm, of what appeared to be a starter course to the meal.  I noticed another set of wait staff, filling each tables cups with beverages.  I hadn't noticed, that our designated waiter was already making his round at our own table.

"Good evening folks.  Your appetizers will be here momentarily.  Would any of you care for a beverage? We have water, wine, soda, juice, and beer this evening.

        I watched him take everyone's order of drinks, before finally his eyes fell to mine.  He had warm brown eyes, with dirty blonde hair.  Although not as attractive Damien is, still attractive.  He smiled warmly at me, and his eyes were flirtatious while looking at me.

"Ummm, water please?" I stated as if in a question. "Thanks, uhhh."
"My name is Thomas, miss.  Might I add, you look beautiful tonight"
"Thank you Thomas." I replied with a smile and a blush.

        I noticed Damien tense beside me, and look at me with a scowl.  I am not sure what I did to annoy him, but if that look were anything to go by, I must have.  The last thing I wanted to do was to anger or annoy him, and I would chastise myself later in the privacy of my own room, when I could escape to it.

        Thomas and another two waiters had re-approached our table with drinks and appetizers.  The conversations of the entire pack became low murmurs of soft, as everyone began eating. The first course was a wedge salad drizzled in blue cheese dressing, with bits of delicious bacon sprinkled about.  After that course, was a choice of lobster bisque or sage butternut squash soup.  I opted to try the lobster bisque, as I had never eaten lobster before.  I had promised myself to try things I had never had, before my limited time was up.  So many experiences that most took for granted, because of the perceived notion that you had all the time in the world.  But when you knew your time had a limit, you wanted to dive into life and do everything you could.  I was surprised at the thick creaminess of the bisque, and its flavor.  It was by far one of the most delectable items I had ever tasted, and was glad I had chosen it.  Halfway through finishing the bisque, I noticed Damien looking at me with the same scowl upon his face as before.  And immediately, I lost my appetite and set my spoon down, and waited for the next course

 "Is the bisque not good, Lei?" My brother asked me.

"Umm, no, its quite good.  I just don't want to over eat."  I stated, then looking down to my hands in my lap again.

"Are you sure you are okay? You seem off tonight."

I signed a little, knowing I was causing stress and worry for my brother

"Yes, of course.  Just a little overwhelmed with all the people.  You know how I am." I added a small smile.

"Oh yea, I forgot you get a little skittish around large crowds.  So what did you do today, since I couldn't find you, or should I ask whom?."  He added while quirking one eyebrow up in a teasing fashion.

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