[18]: Stay (Part 1)

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[Damien's POV]

        I frantically burst through the front door of the pack house.   The door opened with such force, that I heard it ricochet off the wall, causing a loud bang as it did.  Rushing forward, I saw Alex with a look of surprise on his face.

"Where is she Alex?"

"Where is who?"

"Your sister! Leilani!"

"Upstairs in her room probably? Why, what's wrong?"

        I saw Alex's panic began to rise at my anxiousness.  But I didn't have time to explain to him.  Not until I held Leilani in my arms.  Not until I knew she was okay, and that I could fix this.  Fix us.  Apologize, and beg and plead with her.  I immediately ran up the stairs leading to her room, taking two at a time.  Alex in hot pursuit right behind me.  I slammed open the door, and noticed it was empty.   Quickly walking in, I screamed out Leilani's name over and over, hoping she was in her bathroom.  Alex behind me.

"What's wrong Damien?" 

"I have to find her! I have to!"

"For what!?" I heard Alex say.

        Just as I was about to leave her room, my eyes caught two objects in white on her bed. I quickly walked over as I noticed my name.  Alex behind me, noticing another.  Each of us reaching for the one with our names on it.  Quickly, I tore into mine.  Alex copying my movements.  I slid the paper from the envelope and read its contents.
A/N: Please read Letter to Alexander, and Letter to Damien here.  After doing so follow on to Part 2.

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