Chapter 22: Exploration Part 2

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It was warm. The smell of dry air, with the faint hint of petrichor soothed their nostrils. They just stood there, feeling the sun and the breeze blow through their draperies. The tree they were standing by felt so real. They could even hear chirps of different birds. Then Sierra actually spotted one flying past them all; a sparrow.

"Look!" she jumped.

It flew right up to the tree, sitting on a slim branch in the shade.

"Looks like even birds come here like us," said Jayden, "That means every creature of Earth and all the other worlds have been here too."

Saaret stepped forward, "Well, you see there is a balance that is maintained. Of the countless worlds that are there; some perish, while others cherish longevity. And so there is a limit to living beings. Thus has the circle of life been from the beginning. Everyone originated here. But they pass realms. Why? You may ask. It's a refreshment. A release. An escape from boredom. By continuing like this we live billions of lives; yet we are not aware of it," Saaret smiled. Yet another iteration of him.

Jayden closed his eyes and let all the information sink in him. He concentrated on each of his senses. Then he sat down on the grass. The others joined him. Lily rested her head on his shoulder, Markus rested his on the other. He felt their warmth and smiled in happiness. This was peace. Something so beautiful that could only be achieved when someone truly forgot about all their bonds and barriers and for once liberated their selves to the world. Sierra came and sat on his lap. "Just like old times!" She flashed a smile.

Jayden looked at her small face and clasped her hand in his. Then he looked up at the sky, a palette of colours, and closed his eyes again saying with a sighing breath, "Yes, just like old times."

Drio could feel their emotions. He felt relaxed. He laid flat on the ground and looked at the sky. They defied any explanation for their possible occurrence. But he wasn't searching for any. What he truly sought, had been received; serenity.

Sharlotte watched them from afar, leaning on another tree. This was pure bliss. Even she couldn't imagine how it would be in reality from the foretelling. But she couldn't let them know of it just yet. They needed to set forth for the Book of Gods soon enough. It would all slowly make sense to them. It was time for her to stop blaming herself. It was her destiny and she was going to fulfill it as she was told.


They jumped from hyperspace and landed their feet on red soil.

Sanduo looked around

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Sanduo looked around. There were grand apartment complexes around. His eyes bulged out at the sight.

"Arkhram is well known for its architecture, I see you are quite impressed." He started walking and conversed with Sanduo. Saaret walked with him and told him about the surroundings. Sanduo despite being marvelled by the details, could not help to focus. He wanted his daughter. To see her, to hold her to his chest, to caress her hair, to look at her face and look her in the eyes and say, "I'm here sweetie. Your Baba's here." He couldn't imagine how she would react, or how he would at the moment they meet each other again after being torn apart for so long.

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