Chapter 28: Retracing To Oblivion: Part 2

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Samara came running to her boss' office. It had been about three hours since he last called her, and now, it was almost lunch time. She figured she might have to have her food alongwith her boss regardless of how awkward it might be.

She acquainted her employees about the development, and why she couldn't chat with them that day and then, she shortly arrived at the office. Opening the door she saw her boss talking over the phone with somebody. He was so engrossed in talking that he didn't notice her.

She stood there with her sandwich in her hand, waiting for the call to be over.

After about a minute it ended.

She heard something about a purchase but thought better than to ask about it. If it was important, the admiral would tell her; she need not ask.

"Got it!" Zhim clenched his fists and a warm smile brightened his countenance.

He then looked at the door to find Samara waiting for him. "Oh! Come in! Come in!" He motioned her to the vacant seats.

"Sir," before she could begin, a bell ringed in the hall and the employees started leaving their seats. A healthy amount of chatter filled the building as they left for lunch.

She continued, "Sir, would you prefer me to bring you something?" She smiled politely.

"Yeah! Get me a bucket of gurkum cartom fries and two of that white dip they have with it and a bottle of lemonade. It's a moment of celebration for me!"

She found it out of the ordinary for the admiral to show such excitement but regarded that the situation at present might have led him to figure out something; something he would tell her now. She left to get the things and arrived at the canteen. She was never a fan of those fries. Who liked insects? Gross and small, though they had a taste to them that many liked. The smell of them was not pleasing to her either.

She backed to the office with the supplies now in her hand. She had also warmed her sandwich that she had bought on her way to work, which had enough ingredients to make one full, with its size being thrice of the original that people had for breakfast, and in her other hand was cupped, a bottle of orange soda.

As she took the seat opposite to the admiral and handed out the items, she noticed he had a photograph on his desk. Having a closer look at it, she realised it was his family.

"Jenna, isn't it?" she asked, adoring the cute child in the middle of the couple.

"Yeah," he said while taking a sip of the lemonade, "my dear daughter. My workload has affected me seeing her often. Sometimes, I wish to spend time with her soooooo much!" Then something clicked in his mind. He ran his fingers on the screen. He smiled warmly, "I hope she likes it." Turning the screen at Samara, she now saw that he had ordered a present for her daughter. It was beautiful.

"Oh, she will. I'm sure," she replied back, with the same warmth that now resonated from the admiral's heart.

They began eating. After a while, when Zhim had had enough of the fries, he started, "I looked through some more of the transmissions and, I found plenty of interesting stuff." He turned his holographic screen with a swipe of his fingers. The videos played out before Samara and she gazed in admiration of what the admiral had unearthed.

"Th-that's remarkable!" Samara looked at him with an equally excited face. She now realised the implications of what was to come soon after. They'd be pioneers in a voyage beyond the universe. A journey to a place they couldn't fathom to imagine.

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