Chapter 31: Encounter: Part 1

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"What's the commotion down there?" One of the guards turned around, his shadowy form misting, surrounding him in an eerie aura.

The others followed the noise, which appeared to be coming from the mouth of the abyss.

It had always been silent there. No discrepancy had ever risen before in the prisons. Everything was maintained properly in Moruzen.

"Let's take a look." An older ghostly figure set forth, spears in hand already emitting sparks. The others followed suit.

But they had to go no further.

An electrical storm overtook them. The old figure saw his companions get mixed in the maelstrom as their dark smoky forms disappeared into the raging madness. It knocked him off his feet, as the energy pierced his robes of existence. He let out an inhuman scream that was deafened by the menacing tempest of energy and destruction.

Moruzen had enjoyed monotony for too long. Something was on way to spice things up. And the Gods were in for a situation never seen before.


It had been uncanny, how the silence had hovered in the atmosphere within the ship. Each was deep in thoughts, fathoming the unexpected, churning the near future in the mind and its near impossible number of manifestations. Whatever they were up to was not even in the range of what any of their races could manage or even think of.

There was no way of knowing how far they'd come, that is if distance even were a real thing in the classical sense here while travelling the multiverse.

The thought of seeing Valal face to face was unsettling to the IMG but they knew they had no other choice. It was their only way out. They had to converse with the Gods about this ordeal. See what they thought of it and follow their course of action.

They felt a jolt. It stirred them out of their thoughts and for the first time in what seemed hours they noticed that they were together and properly looked at each other.

"We are here," Elmitrios' voice boomed, "Come out methodically. You'll need to stay inside the orb. It's not safe for you to be outside."

Before they could even ask what he meant, they saw the rear of the vessel open up and a yellow bubble attached to it hemispherically. They moved into it. Elmitrios stood out in the open with all of them inside. "You don't want to feel the forces of higher dimensions upon you." What might have been a smirk on his face evaporated as soon as it had come, and he started moving towards Moruzen.

The world outside was a tapestry of colours and beautiful objects that were indescribable, yet one could appreciate the beauty in them. It was almost random but they knew there was a geometrical precision to it. A hidden factor. They were only witnessing a 3D cross section of what really was there. Hitharia had gained a higher dimensional construct when it had flung out of its parent 'verse. So it's appearance and existence had been transformed into something entirely different. So had been the case with the Gods.

"Is that Moruzen?" Jarka pointed at the shining humongous entity of a building that lay ahead.

"It is," Elmitrios affirmed.

"Would you be able to confer with them and make them understand what's really been going on? Because the situation is nowhere near normal. Has never been from the start." Sanduo tried to get Elmitrios' attention, unsure of what was going to happen next.

"I assure you, I am one of the prime Gods. Valal will listen to me. And don't worry. I know how to state the facts. The mentioning of the Time Keepers will change everything. They'd be shocked... like I was. They might grant your life back too. That is a possibility."

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