chapter one: when push comes to shove

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~~~~~Hiccups P.O.V.~~~~~

"Leaving, we're leaving. Come on, let's pack up, we're going on a little vacation... forever." Haaa I sighed as I got on my knees and opened the basket. I stood up and started fiddling with the piece on my shirt.

Ssssssshhhhhhhrrrrick. I heard stone on metal. I glanced at the rock in front of me to find Astrid sitting there.

"Oh a wh-what are you doing here Astrid", I started tripping over a rock in in the midst of backing away. Oh no, she can't be here! If she sees Toothless it will be game over for the both of us.

"I want to know what's going on", she states, jumping of the rock and advancing. Twirling her double bladed axe while tossing it to her other hand. "No one just Gets as good as you do, especially, you". She said still advancing and me still backing up.

"So, are you training with someone"

"Wha- training?!" I said, trying to make a cover. "It better not involve this" putting extra emphasis on the word 'this' while lifting my shoulder pads.

Suddenly there was a russle and she went past me to check it out. I had to do something quick. So I ran up to her.

"I know", I stated. "This, looks really bad. But the truth is" I paused for just a second thinking of something that wasn't a complete lie as I am a terrible liar. " I-I've been making outfits. So drag me back, it's time everyone knew." I said while pulling at her hand in the opposite direction. Quickly she twisted her hand to the side than back, grabbing mine in the process ending with me on the ground clutching it.

"Oww, why would you do that" I groaned, trying to stand up. She kicked me back down again.

"THAT'S for the lies", then she drops her axe on me,"and THAT'S for everything else" she spat

Then I heard a small roar "oh no" I groaned, still in pain while trying to stand up.

"Huh!" She gasped as a night fury came running at us, "get down!" She yelled pushing me down to the ground AGAIN and standing back up to take a swing at it with her axe. "Noooo" I screamed yanking her to the ground, standing up in the process and sliding her axe away.

"It's okay, it's okay, she's a friend" I said calming the dragon down finally. I turned back to Astrid, holding him back from her as he looked as wild as ever and obviously wanted to have a go at her.

"It's okay", I told her "you just scared him".

"I scared HIM" she said breathing heavily after that. Then she looked away from the dragon to look at me, "who, is him" she asked

I finally let go of his head. "Astrid, Toothless" I said addressing each by their respected names,"Toothless Astrid" I stated more carefully.

He gave her a snarling hiss, and with his glare it was quite obvious he hated her and wished her dead.

She shook her head, fear in her eyes, and ran off.

Toothless looked at me once and then lowered himself for me, I quickly glanced in the direction of Astrid flying off before making my final decition.

I grabbed my basket, hopped on Toothless and flew away.

I didn't look back.

~~~~~Astrid's P.O.V.~~~~~

I gasped for air as I ran, thinking he would fly over and kidnap me or something. (A/N well if I wasn't doing a run away story she would be spot on *applauds* ) I had to get to Stoick, he'd know what to do with Hiccup. I finally after what felt like hours made it to the edge of the forest, only four yards to go till I get to the main village. Suddenly the light flickered... wait, I'm outside! I looked up to see a black speck already hard to see getting farther away. Redetermined I ran faster until I got to the chiefs house. "Stoick" I said gasping for air "it-it's Hiccup" I stopped still gasping but seeing I still wasn't done he waited even though he looked like he was ready to be shouting orders to everyone in sight to find or help his son. Then I continued "he's run away" his eyes widen but I'm not done "on his night fury".




Hope you like the first chapter. The book gets better and more exciting, so keep reading! This is just telling you how it starts.

P.S. cute pic on the side!

Just Close My Eyes (Just for a Second) HTTYD Fanfic ((Being Rewritten))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora