chapter two: Hiccup is dead?

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~~~~~STOICK'S P.O.V.~~~~~

My eyes widened to giant globes at that last part. Hiccup has a night fury! And he didn't tell me! He betrayed me! The entire Viking culture! He had thrown his lot with them, he wasnt a Viking, he wasn't my son. I narrowed my eyes. "FIND HIM!!" I yelled as Vikings had been gathering around because Astrid had pretty much been screaming. All the people instantly started to get ready. Once they were back, I commanded them further. "Ready the ships!!" At the ferocity of my voice they quickly did as I told.

~~on the ready ship~~

"We set forth!" "To hell hounds gate".

~~~~~HICCUP'S P.O.V.~~~~~

Gahhhhhh!!!!!! I let all my frustration out in one big yell. Why did everything bad happen to ME. Toothless tilted his head now slightly looking at me. "It's okay bud", I reassured him with a pat. "I'm fine". I layed back on the saddle, letting Tothless take me to where he saw fit. I'll just take a minute and close my eyes I thought. Just a minute. But soon my thoughts wandered to far into my mind, so I was trapped there until I reached the end of the maze of dreams.

~~~~~TOOTHLESS'S P.O.V.~~~~~

I felt Hiccup slowly go limp. Ahhhh, he is dreaming, I thought. I had a dream once, it was after I met him. It was about us flying away together, doing tricks and laughing. We landed on an island full of fruit and game and fish. It was beautiful. Everything I ever wanted. Except in the dream, I still had my fake tail fin....

I quickly came out of my thoughts to realize I to had been dreaming. And I was about to hit the ground, I knew from being the best dragon at flying that there would be know way to spread my wings in time, so I bucked spun around and grabbed Hiccup in my wings. (A/N imagine it in slow motion, makes it way better) before hitting the ground.

I peeked a eye out of my wing and tail bubble where it was just me and Hiccup to see where we were. We were on a large, mostly flat rock, with a couple more rocks close enough to jump to. And then there was also a man, two rocks away coming closer. He had a knife and looked really skinny. Well this is kind of ironic I thought. A human coming to eat a dragon. But at the moment he can't see Hiccup and I planned to keep it that way. Inside my wings I wrapped my tail around a still dreaming/unconscious Hiccup and drag him behind me as I stand up so he will not see him. I stood up tall on my back legs. Wings spread wide and roaring while pawing at the air with my front legs. I see a quick flicker of doubt I the mans eyes and I take that time to quickly examine him. He has dirty blonde hair that was pretty long and green-blue eyes. He had like a million freckles and his teeth were all chipped. He was wearing a green top that was pretty torn up and brown trousers. I glanced off to the side to see a very much dying fire and wood. Obviously he crashed his wooden water floaty. Stupid humans, can't even tell a rock from the ocean. I looked back, he was now drawing his sword and I realized that with my distractedness he caught sight of Hiccup. Great I thought as I charged him, but he was quick,. He dodged under me to get to Hiccup seeing him the better target as he thought I just wanted him for a quick snack. Obviously he hadn't seen the saddle yet. He first tried to take Hiccups belongings he took his vest and boots first thinking if he had to fight me, it would be best to have protection against some hits and the ground considering he had no shoes. Then he tried to take his shirt but all he could do was get the shoulder pads and put the stuff he had already taken on. And then I was there slowly approaching in a threatening manner. He suddenly looked frightened, he hadn't expected me to care to much. I slowly lowered my head, and growled. But now he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the saddle on my back. Suddenly his shock wore off and a a wide smile spread across his face. He lifted his sword again but this time leaned it against Hiccups neck, thinking to stop me in my tracks. But I had other plans. Being the most intelligent species of dragon there is, I quickly thought a plan out while still advancing. I made it look like I didn't care about Hiccup, or him. I made it look like I wanted to eat them both.... he didn't buy it. He started to push the blade down into hiccups neck but quick as lightning I pounced, tearing him to shreds. And the blade went off course. WAY, off course. Instead it started at his neck went all down his torso down his opposite leg (A/N left leg... and no, it's not what you think it is) and ended at his calve, ripping all his clothing in the process. After I finished mauling him I picked up Hiccup, whose shreded clothes half fell off him but not completely, and with my tail still on automatic (put like that before Hiccup layed down) and flew off.

But once I was far away and could barely see the rock I turned back and roared in defiance at it, turned back, and flew away.


But what I didn't know was that as I roared while not looking 8 very specific ships landed at that very rock. 8 ships who had a dragon with a sword through it on the sails.

~~~~~STOICK'S P.O.V.~~~~~

As we landed at the rock. We thought we would stay at for the night, I heard a roar of defiance, I looked up to see a night fury looking back before flying away. I got on the rock and saw a shape near the edge of it so I walked over to see brown red hair covered in blood green eyes dulled, and what looked to me to be a very dead Hiccup. It had to be him even the same clothes I'm sure of it. I looked around quickly to see a scrap of clothing a few feet away that didn't seem to have got the worst of it. I picked it up. Yup, defininitally Hiccups shirt. I looked up towards the sky after standing. That beast tricked my son and then mauled him to death.

A night fury killed my son.

And it will pay.

Just Close My Eyes (Just for a Second) HTTYD Fanfic ((Being Rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now