chapter eight: running away from the mother you don't know

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~~~~~TOOTHLESS'S P.O.V.~~~~~

I opened my eyes again to find Hiccup awake. He had laid his head on top of mine. I smiled. It was nice, just him and me..... but we needed to get out of here. One-who-harms-hiccup and not-completely-organic will be back, and they might do something to me or Hiccup. And I can't leave Hiccup, I'm the only thing he has. I slowly move my head up, forcing him to take his off me. I give him a loving look and he returns it. He stands up a little before stopping. Indicating that I should to. I followed him over to the door where he tries to push through a really tiny door in the big one that looked like it was meant for a terrible terror. I nudged him away from it and he snapped at me, I looked at him, hurt, and he sent me an apology whine. He really didn't want to be here. I slightly nudged him again and he moved this time. I used some of my white fire to burn the door. Making the door a bit wider. Moving over, I let him go out first, but giving him a look that said, 'be quiet'. He silently slipped through the door and I followed just as silently. In the arena he growled, sensing someone coming. Suddenly the ones-who-attacked-us including girl-i-hate-because-she-hurt-and-killed-Hiccup came in and tackled tackled us, we knocked them all aside.... but that was to easy... I did a quick head count. One was missing! It was burly-metal-horn-protection-hat-is-to-small. Then he fell down fell from the top of the big-cage-confinement-area and landed on Hiccup's back. He started bucking and snapping at him with his mask. With trying to hold on, burly-metal-horn-protection-hat-is-to-small grabbed on to Hiccups neck. His hands sliding down, he was now holding on to him with one arm only. His hand slipped pulling it across his chin. I roared at him as he fell on the ground, looking like he could have never been happier. I pulled Hiccup into my grasp and flew away, leaving them behind.

Once Hiccup snapped out of it, I let go of him and watched him come up beside me. SWOOSH. Something shot up in front of us. I snapped my wings open and leant backwards and saw Hiccup do the same beside me. He then dived and I followed. Not wanting to stay to find out what that was. He pulled his arms out again, catching an updraft, something he was a master at. We shot up to the dark clouds. It looked like it was about to pour. We stopped and I hovered. Him circling. They thing flew past again. What does it want? It then came up beside us and I saw something on its back. It was a person. They were wearing a mask, but not like Hiccups mask. This mask was covered in long strips and was coloured blue, red, and orange. They raised a staff and tapped it on the dragon below her. Suddenly, Hiccup froze. Then started falling. I roared and tried to help him but a dragon grabbed my wings. Another flew down to grab the Hiccup that was now soaring back up to help me. He tried to grapple past it but ended being carried back up by his shoulders, bucking the whole time even though the dragon that was holding him was three times the size of a monstrous nightmare. Then we were carried off to who knows where.

~~~~~HICCUPS P.O.V.~~~~~

I soared back up to help my family when another dragon came down and tried to grab me. I struggled to get past him but he was huge! He finally succeeded in grabbing me, even though I bucked and scratched. We were then carried off, me finally laying still with the occational attempt for freedom. We suddenly came out around a corner of a cliff and I saw a little landing, trees and pillars, and in the distance I saw something blueish white sticking up. We were heading in that direction. As we got closer I saw that it was giant glacier. I started kicking again. I didn't want to go near that thing! Suddenly I heard a rip and I screeched. The dragon had gripped tighter, ripping my wings. But the bad part is, that my wings attach to my arm on the inside, so it felt like my skin ripping off. The dragon above me noticed the change in pitch from my scream and looked down at me. He he noticed the rip and the blood coming down and roared up to the four winged dragon and the person that were up front. They turned and looked back at the dragon, then looked at me. The person swung her stick and hit it on the dragon below her again, but this time at a different speed, and she did it harder. All the dragons then went faster. I tried to just lay still then, as to not tear open anymore of the skin, but something in me was now making me pointlessly struggle harder. We went over the glacier and my family an I were dropped in. We landed on a stone floor surrounded by dragons. I hissed at them and backed up against my family. Then the person came over to us. My family and I backed away as far as we could while growling. They put her hand in front of his face and twisted it, making him pass out. They came up to me and raised her hand. I followed it with my eyes until I shook my head. Not today! I jumped over the person, twisting around in the process. By the tensing of their body I could guess that they were surprised by what I had done. I just then realized something. I was really hungry. Wait, why was I thinking about that now?! I mean, I'm always hungry, but real- I was cut off by realizing that she was right in front of me again. It was really dark so she didn't notice the crushed mask. Then they twirled her staff around before hitting it on the ground. All the dragons lit fire up in their mouths, lighting up my face. I really hate that thing. They looked at my snout. Which was covered in little fragments. They must have realized that I shouldn't have been able to have lived through that, because the next thing I knew, I had no mask, just my head. Which I never got because it doesn't match the rest of my body. I just woke up one day and I was like this. I looked at them again to see them lifting their hand again. I snapped at it and they quickly pulled it back, body language telling me that they were shocked once again. My mask was gone and they new I wasn't a dragon, so why did I keep acting like one? In my distractedness, again. They succeeded in getting their hand up. I looked at it and followed it as it twisted.... then I looked a her. Wasn't the same thing supposed to happen to me as my family? They finally took off their mask and I could see that it was a she. She squinted at me, studying me, and I growled all the while.

"No" I heard her mumble, even though to me it was just well, mumbles."it couldn't be. Hiccup, is that you?" She asked, looking at my eyes. I just kept growling.

"Can you understand me?" She asked and once again I didn't understand.

"I just tilted my head at her to show that I didn't and lowered my growling. She reached out to touch me. I pulled my head back as she reached, slowly getting further away. She abruptly stood up and beckoned to me. I looked over at my family and saw that he was already up. He came over and squinted sceptically at her. She just beckoned again and started moving. I looked over at my family for advice if we should go or not. When I looked I saw him staring at me, like he hadn't seen me for a long time. I tilted my head again and he shook his, indicating an opening in the far wall that led back to where we came in. We bluffed following the female and went out the back silently.

Once we made it outside we jumped out. I was good for the first little while until I got huge pains in my arms and curled up in a ball instinctively. Then I remembered how my skin tore. I tried to roar up to my family but there was something clogging my throat, I tried to spit it out, it was stuck though. My throat randomly opened and closed, and I finally happened to cough while it was open and the blood poured out. I tried to level off but my wings already having been ripped, and going at this speed, they tore open more, leaving hug gashes and leaving me attempting to screech from pain but not being able to due to the fact that my throat was still coated. I looked up at my family to see he hadn't noticed yet, still flying along towards our old island. My throat constricted again and then opened up wide and I could feel my lungs expanding. I then let lose a deafening roar up to him. He whipped around, looking for me, before racing down to catch me. I felt something burn within me. I uncurled from my ball, as if it was to small. Then I felt really calm. I looked at the ground below me. Feeling like it couldn't hurt me when my family showed up above me. He grabbed for me...

But was to late...

I hit the ground.


Next time....

"Um, guys?! Did he get bigger?!"

"Yeah, and scarier!"

"It's okay Hiccup, we're your friends. We're not going to hurt you."


"There couldn't be a worse time for a raid!"

"Um, Hiccup?! What did she just say to you?"



Hey guys. Hope you like the new chappy. It may not be long but i hope you like it. I worked really hard on this one so please vote!:) I dedicate the next chapter to my new best friend. Please read her book and comment&vote! She helped me with the idea for the next chapter and gave me some. This writers name is.............*drum roll*






@SecretlyNerd! *fireworks and cheering*

Please follow and vote for this person.

She is an amazing writer and friend and makes me smile.

Than you for reading this chapter, and see you in the next one.


Just Close My Eyes (Just for a Second) HTTYD Fanfic ((Being Rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now