chapter three: intruders

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~~~~~5 YEARS LATER~~~~~

~~~~~ASTRID'S P.O.V.~~~~~

Ever since Hiccup died the chief has been grieving. He's sad because he lost the last thing that connected him Valka, and keeps saying that if he had paid a little more attention to his son that this wouldn't have happened. Two years ago Gobber had finally convinced Stoick to get back to chiefing as he had left Gobber still had to teach at the arena. With the dragon raids still on strong, we now had to go to the academy until we were 25. But at the moment we were all about 20 or 21.

I walked into the arena that morning axe swung casually over my shoulder. I was first to walk in, next was Snotlout, he was beside me but was back further, trying to flatter me into a date with him. After him was Fishlegs, who had his nose in some sort of book, literally. His nose was touching the page. How does he read that close up?! And then there was the twins, fighting over a rock. Gobber was running late so I took the time to examine my new axe. Trader Johann was here last night and we all have something new, well except for Snotlout, who Johann doesn't allow on the ship due to the fact that he always breaks at least three different types of things whenever he sets foot on deck. Just as I finished thinking that, Gobber walked in but stood at the doorway, we all looked over at him. "Come on ye' lads" he said while gesturing for us to follow him, "we're going on a trip".

"You mean we're skipping training?" asked Snotlout.

"No, ye' ain't that lucky" he replied. "This trip is for your training. We're going to test your fighting skills in different environments" he started explaining.

We all followed him down to the docks where a boat was waiting. We boarded and sailed off.

And we didn't look back.

~~~~~HICCUPS P.O.V.~~~~~

After Toothless had brought me to this island a few years ago I had healed pretty well but it left a really nasty scar. Since my clothes were torn I made new ones out of leather and Toothless's shed scales. I have pants a top boots and gloves. My boots and gloves have claws from a snaptrapper (A/N snap trappers shed all there scales and claws yearly) and I have a flying suit that includes a back fin and a tail. I also have a mask that looks like a dragon head, even they eyes look like a dragon. So from the air and even from only two feet away you wouldn't be able to tell that I'm not a dragon. The mask kind of looks like a small thinner black Nadders head except the front curves strait down and there's only two black horns on the back of it that are curled downwards. Anyways at the moment I'm circling above a ship I think might be getting to close to our island I look over at Toothless through my mask and he looks back at me. I had also made toothless a new automatic tail. One that was so well blent in that you wouldn't notice that it was fake if it was waved right in your face. I am now more connected with dragons than anything and couldn't speak Norse again if I tryed. For even though dragons don't have their own language, they communicate through body language, and that's what I've been doing these last five years. Toothless gave me a look, telling me he didn't like that the people seemed to be headed strait towards our island. I flicked my hand toward our home indicating that we should go back to get ready for when we get there. He turned and started to dive back. I folded my arms by my sides and followed, diving after him.

Just Close My Eyes (Just for a Second) HTTYD Fanfic ((Being Rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now