Chapter Fourteen

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 They both jumped at the sound, searching for the source. Several men, mostly self-appointed guards, ran towards them with shotguns, knives, and batons. Running at the head was Matthieu.

"For humanity," he bellowed.

Trinity let loose a vicious snarl that made Georgia stumble backward. "Get out of here," she said, "Now!" She crouched and ran for the fence.

Georgia sprinted in the other direction, turning around only once she had the cover of a nearby building.

One man jumped in front of Trinity with a dangerously sharp knife and swiped at her. She slowed to grab his wrist, sweeping his ankles with her foot and pushing him to the ground.

Another man ran up behind her. Before he got too close Trinity turned and clamped onto his arm, spinning him around so that she held him in front of her like a shield, with his knife dangerously balanced against his own throat.

The other men froze, unsure of how to continue.

"What do you want with me?" Trinity growled.

Matthieu bared his teeth. "You really think we would have let you keep roaming around out there? You think you can go on fooling humans? Who knows how many you've murdered that way! You're far too much a threat to keep alive."

In the time it took Georgia to blink, Trinity removed the knife out of her human shield's grasp. She threw it into the dirt where the blade stuck straight into the earth. Her hand returned to the man's neck, her sharp nails resting against his skin. "Let me go or I'll infect him."

Matthieu took a step.

"One scratch and he's good as dead, right?" Trinity jerked the man's hand behind him. He whimpered pitifully.

Matthieu kept advancing. "What's one life for many?"

A man behind him fired a round at her feet. Trinity snarled, shoving her captive aside and dashing for the fence. Before she reached it another round was fired. For a moment she arched her back in pain, but kept running, dodging other shots aimed at her.

A rock sat at Georgia's feet. Without thinking, she picked it up and lobbed it at one of the men with a gun. It hit his head, distracting him long enough for Trinity to leap on the fence. Georgia ducked back behind the building, praying no one saw her.

Trinity climbed with inhuman speed. In a moment she reached the top and jumped to the ground on the other side, disappearing into the burned remains of the town.

Matthieu shouted to his men, "Open the gates, get to the trucks! Don't let it get away!" All but Trinity's human shield, who was still crumpled on the ground, rushed away with Matthieu.

Georgia let her shaking legs collapse under her. She sat on the dusty ground staring at the spot where Trinity disappeared.

She wasn't sure how long she was sitting there when Kami came running to her. "There you are! I heard gunshots, are you okay?" She knelt beside her.

Georgia frowned. She spoke haltingly, "Trinity is a zombie. But she says she's sane?"


"Matthieu tried to kill her. She got away. And now I'm an accomplice?"

Kami rested a hand on her shoulder. "What?" she repeated. "Never mind that. Matthieu is gone. And nearly all of his men."

Georgia blinked. "But they have all the weapons. Who is guarding the fence?"

"We don't know. Everyone is confused. I can't help but feel like a sitting duck here. Come on, let's pack," Kami tugged Georgia to her feet. "I can't wait to get out of here."

They didn't have to wait until nightfall to make their escape.

Before dinnertime Kami and Georgia were sitting on their cots, bags packed, killing time playing with a Rubik's cube they found in a drawer in a desk.

A loud alarm suddenly started blaring.

"What is that?" Georgia said over the loud sound, covering her ears.

Kami pointed at a red fire alarm on the wall.

A loud scream echoed above the insistent alarm.

Georgia widened her eyes. She grabbed her bag and ran for the hallway, following the green signs for the fastest way out. She and Kami were alone in the hallway when she pushed open the fire escape and forced themselves into the cold outdoors.

They spun towards the gate, where people were fleeing. A fire was spreading around the ground. Blinded by reason, people ran into the school from the front doors, chased.


People pushed past them, running anywhere. "Alex!" Kami shouted. "Alex!"

Someone grabbed Georgia's hand and pulled her away. She looked up as she was dragged to the fence. "We need to leave now," said Marc. Georgia started running, half looking behind her to see Alex and Kami following closely behind.

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