Getting to know each other

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Everyone sat in the living room quietly what a crazy day it had been.
"Are you all okay?" Northern Ireland asks everyone, mostly directing his question at France she seemed affected the most.
"Yes we are all fine now Northern Ireland." France said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
"That's good and you can just call me North for short." Northern Ireland said.

"I made everyone tea hope your okay with that France." England says as he walks back into the room holding a tea tray with six cups on it. Scotland rolls his eyes. Stereotypical.
"That's fine England I could use a cup of tea right now." France said smiling at England it reminded her of Britain, he always made tea for her. She would wake up to find Britain waiting for her with two cups of tea and a croissant. Her favourite way to spend the morning, talking to Britain enjoying the tea and croissant.

England handed everyone there tea except for America and Scotland. England passed America another bottle of coke, which he accepted gratefully. While Scotland got nothing.
"*Cough, cough*" Scotland faked cough to get England's attention.
England just said "you can get your own drink Scotland."
"Of course." Scotland says as he marches of to the kitchen and comes back with a bottle of whisky. He takes a quick swig.
"So what are we gonna do?" Scotland asks.

"Well we're just going to have to continue our lives normally, although you will have to deal with a lot of politics after the split." France said.
"Yeah that won't be fun." England mutters to himself, thinking.

"Wait, Maman isn't today a school day!" Canada asks France panicking a bit.
"Yes but you are in no shape to go to school," France replies "none of you are."
"Yes!" America shouts.
"But Maman, school is important!" Canada says he obviously wants to do good in school.
"Bro, take a break in your life your always working so hard just do homework that way your basically still doing school work." America replies.

"Ok... I'll stay. At least I'll get to know you guys a bit better." Canada says looking at the new countries in the room.
They were all standing close together apart from Scotland who was leaning against the wall a bit further away from everyone else.

"But I'm not a guy I'm a girl!" Wales says annoyed. Everyone just laughs at her child ness.
"Wait, how old are you Wales?" New Zealand asks.
"I am nine years old. Same age as you, New Zealand." Wales says cheerfully.
"How can you be so young when Britain was so old?" America asks.
"When we united with Britain we stopped growing. History also stopped recording our age as we were not one country any more. Google it if your so curious." Says England.

"So how old are you all?" Australia asks the countries.
"Wales is nine as you already know, Northern Ireland is eleven, I am seventeen like Canada and Scotland is eighteen like America." England answers.
"Aye, that means this is nae illegal." Scotland says taking another swig from the bottle of whisky.
"But it is illegal, your underage." America says.
Scotland simply laughs. "Yer 'ave to be eighteen to drink in me country. If your sixteen yer can drink if yer 'ave a proper full meal and are accompanied by someone." He says.
"No fair." Says the American crossing his arms.

"Shouldn't you be going to school then?" Canada asks.
"Yes we should be going to school." England replies nodding his head.
"There ain't nae way in hell i'm going to school." Scotland says in a threatening type of way to England.
"Scotland you have never even been to school because you were homeschooled by your dad. You don't even know if you like it or not." England simply says back.
"Din nae get smart with me!" Scotland says.
"Will you two stop shouting stop each other?" Wales asks more annoyed this time than sad or scared. "I think going to school would be fun. You get to learn new things and make new friends." Wales says cheerfully.
"I think that's a good idea Wales." Says France.
"Wales and North should be going to primary school with New Zealand and Australia. While me and Scotland should be going to school with America and Canada." England says.
"Well then its settled we will set you all up for school." France said happily.
Wales and Northern Ireland cheered. England wasn't fazed by it at all he is the smart one after all. While Scotland moaned in annoyance.

I am going to end the chapter there so I can explain a few things.
My education system might be different to yours. And I know that at the age America, Scotland, Canada and England are they should be going to college or university or be applying to go but I'm lazy so they are just gonna go to school as if they were In high school because I'm not in College or University yet so I don't really know how it works so I hope that's okay and you guys can ignore that. Sorry (-~-)

No translations yay! I'm getting lazier. I'm finding it hard to get ideas I just kind of jumped into this story without a plan so yeah it might be a bit random. (@-@).

Thank you for reading have a nice life!

Word count; 907

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