The Mystery Unfolds

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Thursday—No Ones POV

Wales has been trying her best to describe what was happening on her land. Countryhumans are connected to their land, if something bad is happening they can feel it and sometimes see it when closing their eyes. We saw it with Pitcairn earlier on in the story.
"They landed at Rhossili and had further advanced up to Swansea where they found their stalemate due to the quick reaction of my military." Wales said. "It's almost comical how the weather isn't bad that day like it usually is on the British Isles, we might of had even more of a chance when you think about it."
"I had feared that." Scotland responded.
"The fact of there not being bad weather?" Northern Ireland asked.
"Well aye but, is it nae obvious? The direction they took—they're heading tae Cardiff." Scotland almost didn't want to have to point that out.
"...why..." Wales mutters, staring down at the ground.
She leans on the edge of the boat, her wings droop down low over the edge.
"It'll be okay, we'll get there and end this all." Northern Ireland said, going to hug the sad country.
Wales isn't hesitant when hugging North back.
"I'm scared..." She whispers.
"Don't be." North says to her.
"North's right, fear is natural." Scotland says, staring out at the blue ocean surrounding them.
"That's easy for you to say, you're not scared of anything." Wales responds.
"...That's nae the truth..." Scotland says, seeming distant.
"Really?" England shouts from the helm. "What're you scared of, then?"
"None of yer business." Scotland responds coldly.
"Okay, I was just asking." England says.
There is silence on the boat.
"They won't win, right?" Wales asks, breaking the silence with her worried voice.
"No they won't." North says to Wales.
"It's uncertain." Scotland says.
Wales's face falls at those words.
"That doesn't help, Scotland." England shouts from the helm again.
"What? Ye want me tae lie? or can ye give me evidence that we will 100% win?" Scotland shouts back to England.
England stays silent.
Thought so, Scotland thinks to himself.
"So we're going to loose?" Wales asks Scotland.
Scotland looks to Wales blankly.
"It's nae impossible far this country tae win. It's nae impossible far us tae win." He says with a shrug of his shoulders.
Wales looks silently down to the ground.

"How long till we get there?" Scotland shouts to England.
"I can here you just fine, no need to shout." England says.
"Then why were yer shouting earlier?" Scotland asks.
"I don't know." England responds.
"Wow, great reply." Scotland says sarcastically. "Can ye answer the question noo?"
"Soon..." Scotland sighs annoyedly. "Can ye nae read a map or something an estimate a specific distance?"
"Uh, I'm not good at map reading..."
"Then how on earth dae ye ken where we're going right noo?"
"... I don't know, I just know. I'm just thinking about my land and it seems to give me a feeling of right direction."
"You're sailing this ship... by gut feeling?" Scotland asks as though it's one of the stupidest things he's heard.
"Well how about you go and read a map. This ships gotta have a map somewhere."
"I canny dae that noo. We're in the ocean with no land around us. Are yer expecting me tae just ken where we are by looking at the sea."
"Well yeah..."
"I can nae fucking cope with ye." Scotland says, putting his hand to his forehead.
"Gut instinct then?" England questions.
"Just stop talking and sail. I seriously can nae be bothered tae listen tae yer right noo."
"Alright then." England mutters.
Wales and North talk to each other while England focuses on sailing and Scotland appears to be in his own thoughts.

They draw ever closer to their destination.

Random switch in POV and place because my inspiration is gone and I'm going to write a slight filler till it comes back.
So have a summary of what's happening in Wales through the Mystery Country's POV.

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