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After the hospital and the treatment, I decide to get some cheap food and a drink, as the nurses forced me out of the room, demanding that I leave, reasons unknown to me. I head up to the roof, and contemplate what just happened. How could I be that dense? She hinted at it for a while, and I was oblivious to her condition. I somehow saved her, but only by the skin of my teeth. How could I have not known? I peer out into the vast land infront of me. Maybe... No. She needs my help. I asked for her to stick around for me, I should do the same. She's been in a coma for a while now, because of those pills she took. Plus she apparently has a few cut wounds and bruises, most likely self-inflicted. I should probably check on her. I don't want to worry this much. Opening the door, I glance at Yuri, hunched over Sayori, tears dribbling down her cheeks, splattering on Sayori's shirt. "Y-Y/N!" She calls out, jolting back. I don't reply, walking over to Sayori, and grabbing her hand. "I-I gotta go.." Yuri says, hastily walking out of the room. I close my eyes, and plead. "Sayori..please come back.. I can't lose you, not now..." I plead, crying. "Please come back... my angel!" I cry out, tears streaming down my face. My hand is gripped back, and I feel a tender kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry... I'm here." Sayori says weakly. I hug her tight. "Sayori!" I cry out. "Don't ever scare me like that, please! I'm so glad you're alive! My angel!" I ramble on, a emotional mess. She's alive! She's awake! I didn't lose her!

A/n: woooOoooOOOooooOOo b0i that feEls gOo0d mAN! /(OwO)/

My Angel - Sayori X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now