School As Always, Part 2

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4th Period's bell rings out, and I don't think I have ever been this relieved to hear that ear splitting ring. The crowd floods into the cafeteria and some immediately out the door. I slot into line, and begin to amass what everyone is talking about, understandably with nothing much else to do. The conversations were either about the regular things, sports, the news, girls, or that fight that happened. Before you know it, I'm at the front of the line, and I grab my lunch. Opening the door my eyes are astounded by what I see. Yuri and Natsuki are...KISSING!?!? What!? My eyes must be betraying me. I slam the door closed, and then open it again. They still are locked in a sweet embrace, and every braincell I possess is screaming "oh my god oh my god I SHIP IT!" very loudly. Ah well. Time to crash the party. I walk over to the two, both beet red. "Hey guys, what's going on?" I ask, acting oblivious to what I just witnessed. "N-n-nothing!" Yuri stutters.

Yuri's POV:

I run my hand through Natsuki's delecate hair, and she lays on my shoulder. Aah! She's on my shoulder! I don't mind though... I just want to plant my lips on hers... I lock lips with her. It tastes sweet, like sugar, yet sharp, like a strawberry, and she jolts awake, beet red, but soon eases into it. HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS! I JUST KISSED HER! We seperate, and are thinking the same thing. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Y/N chimes in. "Aah!" I scream. "Nothing!" Natsuki calls out. "Okay.. Wanna eat together?" Y/N asks. We agree, and begin eating in the awkwardest of silences. Oh Jesus! What if he saw that? AAAAGGH! Okay, Yuri. Just play it cool. Everythings fin- NO, IT IS NOT! I get up and immediatly run off. "Where are you going, Yuri?!?" Natsuki and Y/N shout behind me in unison. Doesn't matter, as long as it is away from here..

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