One Last Dance

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Y/N's POV:

I awake to a bright field. I squint when the sun faces over me, looming, as if to observe me. The field is a mix of flowers, some roses, some lilacs, and daisies sprinkled about. I spot a figure off in the distance. The sun shines through her coral pink hair, iluminating it like light through darkly stained glass.

I try to stand to meet Sayori, but something drags me down, though not immediately apparent. I can barely see, because of the sun in my eyes. "Sayori..?" I weakly ask. She turns around and walks over to me. As she nears, her apparel is more visible. She is wearing a white dress, with printed flowers up the sides ot the dress and slipping onto the torso of the dress.

Her hair is in the same style as always, with a single rose tucked into her hair where her bow was. She is the most perfect human being I have ever seen, throughout my whole life. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I tried to resist it, resist the voices," she solemnly explained, kneeling down to look at me. "but they told me things, and I couldn't stand it.." She finishes, tears beginning to trickle down her face.

I bring her in for a hug. She wraps her arms around me tightly, almost as if unbundling her emotions to spread around, instead of holding them in. Her tear trickle down to my chest. "I'm so, so sorry, Y/N! I wasn't-!" She begins again, but I quickly hush her. "No matter how much you say you aren't worth it, you always will be to me." I quietly console her. "I love you, Sayori. Always have. Always will." I remind her, rising up to meet Sayori on her feet.

I begin to remember everything, so much pain over 8 years. I begin to tear up. I'm finally free of everything. We're free of everything. I slowly pull Sayori back in. "One last dance, my dear?" I tiredly ask Sayori. Sayori nods, and we begin to dance, but with nothing but us. No poems, no Monika, no Literature Club. No chains to hold us anymore.

"I missed you, Sayori." I say, while we dance together. "Me too." She responds.

Now.. I can finally rest..


A/n: Well.. that's it. That's it, after 3 years, this is the finished product. Thank you all. I've gone through a lot, last year, but I really thank you.

Au revoir, Cinnabun

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