Cat Out Of Bag

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He would never admit it, but Sasuke felt agony with every step he took towards the Hokage tower. Against medical advice he had insisted on being discharged, proclaiming that he was fine. It still hurt but he had his pride. After the embarrassment of being rescued by (shudder..) Kakashi, he was desperate to cling to any scrap of dignity he could muster.

Tsunade was obviously furious because of disregard of medical advice and was therefore, punishing him by summons to her office. Sasuke tried not to wince as he entered the building, blatantly ignoring the smirk on Tsunade's face.

"I received an interesting report from Shikamaru Nara, yesterday." The Hokage began.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "I know. I gave it to him."

Tsunade's smirk grew wider. "No, you didn't. His report consisted of the changes he noted in you from your academy self. I admit the list was quite long."

Sasuke didn't like where this was going. "What about it? Everyone changes following graduation."

"Not to such extent. Your sudden maturity along with knowledge of things you have no buisness knowing, points towards one conclusion." The Hokage leaned forward as she asked. "So, tell me Sasuke, how many years have you time travelled?"

This caused him to sputter. "What? That is your logical conclusion. I could be an imposter. A spy from enemy village..."

Tsunade dismissed his (admittedly suicidal) argument casually. "You think I wouldn't have checked for that. You have the same chakra as Uchiha Sasuke. Besides, you are not the first time travelling Uchiha I've met."

"What? Who?"

"Your grandfather, actually, Uchiha Satoshi. It was middle of the second shinobi war when he came to report of his temporal displacement and of Konoha's defeat. With his help we were able to prevent that. On Hokage's orders only our team was made aware of it along with him, else it may have caused increased attempts from enemy villages to gain the Sharingan. So, naturally, your clan had to be left in the dark."

Sasuke's mind whirred. He wasn't the only person in his clan to time travel. His grandfather had also travelled to the past and was able to change the outcome of war. Was it related to the Mangekyou Sharingan?

In his musings, Sasuke made the mistake of forgetting about his shishou, for which he instantly paid for. A slight flick of finger was enough to send him crashing down towards the door. He winced as he heard a crack from his left arm. So much for being discharged from the hospital...

"Now time travelling, of course, isn't a crime. But withholding essential information from your Hokage, while being the shinobi of Konoha is. Especially since you are also my student."

Sasuke felt a chill run down his spine at Tsunade's dark smile.

"Your punishment is yet to be determined. I'll be lenient if you provide useful information willingly to Ibiki. Otherwise there's always Yamanaka interrogation..."

"I'll be cooperative." Sasuke was quick to reply.

"Of course you will." The Hokage grinned. "Oh, and one more thing. I'll ask Ibiki to be careful with your fingers and toes if you answer truthfully. Was your brother aware of this?"

Sasuke gulped, sending a mental apology to his brother. 'Sorry, Itachi. But toes before bros.'

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