Chapter 3: Rebirth and Heart Attack

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*Rebecca's House*^

"Mom! I'm home!", Rebecca yelfled slightly as she take off her shoes.

Rebecca didn't hear the voice of her mom.

"Mom?", Rebecca said as she walked to the kitchen then find a sticky note on the fridge.

I won't be home till tonight I left some food for you in the fridge. -❤ Mom

Rebecca's mom is a nurse she's often have a nightshift mostly never spent more time with her daughter. She barely spent Rebecca when she has a day off but Rebecca understands her mother. Because she only do that for Rebecca's education and she wants her daughter to being successful person and so Rebecca didn't know that her mother is not her real mother. Her real mother was brought along time ago in the mental hospital. Because she said that she was saved by a shinigami name Ryuk. Then Ryuk fell in love with the human when Rebecca is born she died by the awakening of birth of half-shinigami and half-human. And that's when her adoptive mother, a great friend of her real mother take care and raise her.

Rebecca get ready of her cram school, she was wearing black jacket with white design, blue halter crop top, royal purple skirt and black ankle boots. Mostly she didn't forget her cat sunglasses. Rebecca put an auburn ombre red eyeshadow  and pinkish lip tint to make look natural she don't have to put pale foundation because her face naturally porcelain like a doll.

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So she brush her long black hair while watching the news

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So she brush her long black hair while watching the news.

"The same assailant who attacked 6 people at a busy shopping district in Shibuya yesterday has struck again, taking 8 people hostage at this daycare center. His captives include both children and teachers. The police have now identified the suspect as 42-year-old Kuro Otoharada, currently unemployed. We expect negotiations to begin immediately."

While Rebecca brushing her hair she see a man in the picture then suddenly she see a looming shadow infront of the TV.

'A shadow? But why I see a shadow looming over here it's impossible that it's my shadow?', Rebecca thought then see Kuro Otoharada clenching his chest she heard a heartbeat of his chest then he collapse then all the hostage went out in the daycare center.

Rebecca gasped as she see that she was back in the house.

'What the hell? So that shadow was from Kuro Otoharada? I swear that I just his heart beat and how come he suddenly collapse by a heart attack? No people just unexpectedly have a heart attack just like that?!", Rebecca thought as she watch the news.

"Rebecca!", a voice called it was her mother as Rebecca snapped out of her thoughts.

"It's already 6:30, you know! Don't you have cram school tonight.", her mother said.

"I thought you won't be home till tonight?", Rebecca said.

"Yeah, but the boss let me a day off and why are you still here?", her mom said as Rebecca sling her backpack.

"I am already, Mom, I gotta go.", Rebecca said as she kissed her mom's cheek.

"Don't forget your sunglasses, dear.", her mom smiled.

"Thanks for reminding me, bye!", Rebecca said as she get out in the house.

*Hallway in the cram school*

Rebecca walked in the hallways she was deeply thought about what she saw the shadow of Kuro Otoharada.

'Suddenly died by a heart attack? But the criminal just fine a while ago. There is no way that criminals have suddenly a heart attack just like that.
Is it just me or it it just a coincidence.', Rebecca thought as she reach her classroom then she see a familiar guy sitting beside her seat.

It was Light Yagami.

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