Chapter 5: Rebirth and Sad Flashbacks

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*Shinigami Realm*

"It's been 5 days, now then I better get going.", Ryuk said as Gook and Deridovely look at him curiously.

"Eh, you headed somewhere, Ryuk?", Deridovely said.

"Hate to tell, but our whole world is like this. Not to mention your long-lost daughter will really hate this place because she's a half-human.", Gook said as he mention Ryuk's daughter.

"That's true, but I've dropped my Death Note.", Ryuk said as Gook and Deridovely laughed.

"You really messed things up, didn't you?", Deridovely said.

"Hold on a sec. Didn't you already trick the Old Man to get a second book? Don't tell me you dropped both of them.", Gook said.

"You must have some idea where you dropped the thing?", Deridovely said.

"Yeah, the human world.", Ryuk said as he got down the stairs went towards the human portal.

Ryuk retracted his wings then flew towards the human world.

"It's time to see you, daughter."

*Rebecca's Apartment*

Rebecca's mom watching the TV about the criminals dying in 25 days while she's watching the news. Rebecca's mom remembered the past when she first time saw Rebecca as a baby.


*knock knock*

Someone knocking her door then she open the door as she see a basket bundle with baby's blanket then a note beside of it. She picked up the basket then gasped as she see a baby crying in the basket. She was shivering and gotten cold by an outside storm. She went inside the house as she put a baby in the sofa then wrapped it with a warm blanket. She picked up the note then read it  as she see that the note was belong with her great friend, Reena Arella.

Dear, My friend,
                              I'm sorry I left my daughter with your doorstep the reason I left her there because I didn't survive my birth to my lovable daughter. You are the only one I can trust you, and let me tell you a secret. Remember when I was in the mental hospital and saved by an unknown man. The unknown man was a shinigami, the shinigami who didn't kill people who took human life's soul. He just kill people when the person's die to the right time. *chuckle* But don't worry this shinigami guy is a good creature not to mention funny. He's very obssessed with the apples though and he can be shy sometimes if I hug him. So before I die Ryuk tell me that my daughter can see a shadow pf death looming behind the person's shadow. If she see a shadow she knows when people die if she grown up. My daughter will be awaken her dark powers when she grown but the trouble is she won't be able to control her powers. She will learn it by her own so please pray for her even though she has a shinigami power the God will help her to control it. Don't be scared of her please even though she has a shinigami or demon power she is an angel in the inside and outside. So please take care and raise her for me. Your the only lovely and trustworthy I have left.
                 - ❤ Your friend, Reena Arella

Her friend cried as she read the letter.

"Reena....", she cried as she mourned with her best friend.

She glanced the baby as she see baby Rebecca looking around. She carried Rebecca in her arms as she see Rebecca's eyes are full of curiousity. She take look of her eyes as she see that her eyes are the most beautiful gaze she ever seen.

'Reena's right. She is an angel and her eyes are very beautiful and unique.', Reena's friend thought as she cradle her with her arms.

"Don't worry Reena I will take care of her for you until I die."

*Flashback ended*

While she remembered the past she wiped out her little tears  then suddenly she hear a door open. She went towards the door as she see Rebecca get home so early.

"What a nice surprise. I didn't expect you will be home so early.", Rebecca's mom said as she smiled as she remember Reena' younger version.

"Hi, mom. Here are the test results of the Nationwide Exams.", Rebecca said as she remove her sunglasses then give the test results paper.

"As usual, no.1 again these are the highest score you had. I am so lucky that I have a daughter like you.", Rebecca's mom said as she smiled the results.

"I only do that for the sake of my future, mom, and besides I want to make you proud and happy.", Rebecca said lovingly as she smiled.

"Come here, you.", Rebecca's mom said as she open her arms then hug her Rebecca hugged her back as they giggle each other.

'Someday you will see and find out the truth of the future.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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