Chapter 11

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When the married woman breaks the Karwa Chaut fast, the husband feeds her a sweet and helps her drink water. Only then can the fast be broken.

I was dressed in my red saree as I sat on the bench on the terrace as I observed Mom and Sonia do the rituals. We had already done the puja and now they were breaking their fast while I waited for my husband to show up. He said he'd come home earlier but I knew better than to trust his words.

I spent my time with Natasha. She's good at keeping me company.

I had told Sonia not to fast. It isn't healthy for a pregnant lady to fast. But, the stubborn person she is, she fasted. Roshan was there with her the whole day. Not leaving her for a single second. Sometimes, I look at them and I'm a little envious. I never had anyone love me that much. They've been married for 6 years and the love doesn't seem to fade. They're cute.

We all went and sat in the living room making small conversation here and there but most of the time, I chose to space out from the conversation.

He hasn't come.

I felt tears prick my eyes when the thought hit me. Today is Karwa Chaut and he knows I won't be able to eat anything if he doesn't show up. I know I could just eat now that he hasn't shown up on time, but I choose not to do so.

The clock hits 8, then 9, then 10, then 11 and finally when it hits 12, I start feeling a little sleepy. I even tried calling him but he would pick his call.

It was all just an act. Putting sindoor. Telling me that he'll come earlier. Acting nice. All a fucking show.

I think I fall asleep because I jolt awake when I hear the front door open and a stifled giggle. I stand up and notice that mom and dad are there with me too.

They should've been sleeping. I merely glance at the clock and it read 1:30. When I hear the footsteps, I look at the cause and I think my whole world just stopped. There he stood. In his glory. But instead of gawking at him, I glare at him. Because in his arms was Aradhya. Tears pooled in my eyes at the sight of them. Aradhya was probably drunk. I didn't bother blinking my tears away.

"It's a beautiful day", she slurs. He looks at me with a pained expression.

"Unbelievable", mom says loudly.

"Do you know what you did? Do you know how you've embarrassed me in front of my daughter?", she questions him. He immediately lowers her and one of the butler, takes her to her room.

"Mom, I-I"

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"I-I just, I was just coming back when she called me and she said she needed my help, I couldn't help but go to her because she said she was being followed and stuff like that"

"Are you naïve?" Dad asks. Arjun looks confused but I know what dad is implementing.

"So you chose her over me?", I finally speak up.

"No god damnit! It's just that she needed my help", he says while running a hand through his hair.

"What about her? What did you think would happen to her? What the fuck were you thinking?", I gape as mom cusses.

Now I know what Aradhya's words meant. She wanted to ruin it. She did. She was successful.

I don't stop the tears that fall from my eyes cause I'm beyond hurt at this moment. He didn't show up for this auspicious day. He knew I was fasting.

"She didn't even eat anything the whole day and hasn't yet eaten anything", mom added with a sigh. He jerked his head up and looked at me.

"Don't bother mom, I didn't count on him to show up, I really didn't. I'm not surprised. And it's not like I'm not used to being neglected. All my life I have been neglected, it's nothing new. Aradhya probably was more important than the dumb bitch who was fasting for him", I don't bother saying sorry about my language. I know mom would understand.

Arranged Marriage to HIMWhere stories live. Discover now