Chapter 54

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"Shush! All I care about is I have you now", I whispered.

I then removed myself from his embrace and offered him his medicines. Just as I was offering him the glass of water, the whole world started spinning around me, the glass fell from my hand and soon I fell down as well. Unconscious.

Arjun's P.O.V.

I immediately got up from the bed, placing the medicines on the table and pressed the buzzer.

The door opened and the doctors rushed in and immediately looked at the unconscious body in my arms. The nurses helped the doctor to pick Anvi up and place her on my hospital bed. After assessing her body, he injected her and then attached the IV tube. The ward boy then rolled in a hospital bed in the room and shifted Anvi onto that bed.

"What happened to her?"

"It seems as if she hasn't been eating properly and her body isn't getting enough rest which is mandatory since it looks as if she's taking a lot of stress, it also seems as if the shards of glass have pierced her skin, I've stitched it, just rest for now, the both of you, and take these medicines, I'll have the housekeeping clean this mess", the doctor said and then left. 

I quickly took my medicines and soon felt my eyelids getting heavy due to the heavy doze of pain killers. I lied down on the bed, turning in her direction as I stared at her and soon fell asleep.


Tanvi's P.O.V. 

When I woke up, my head felt heavy. My eyes were a little fuzzy but after blinking several times my vision was clear. It was still dark outside as I glanced at the window. The room felt unfamiliar.

Why was I here? Arjun? And then I looked around and my eyes went on the IV tube in my hand and the bandage on my wrist.

I knew it. I knew Arjun wasn't really awake. It was the medicines. But how did I end up in the hospital? Maybe, it was Sanjay that brought me here. Maybe I had fainted while I attended the meeting. My mind was a little fuzzy.

Arjun really wasn't awake. My heart beat painfully as I thought about it. And here I was thinking that he was awake. I looked around the room and realised that I was sharing the room with a patient. The curtains were drawn around the bed.

I looked at the clock and it read 3:30. Just why did I wake up at this ungodly hour. I felt tears prick in my eyes. My head hurt, my hands hurt, my heart hurt. All this while it was just my mind playing a game with me. I was hallucinating but it felt so real, Arjun hugging me and talking to me. It felt so real.

I let out an groan, irritated at how I let myself be fooled by my mind. I sat up staring blankly at the wall and fished out my phone from the stand near by. Sadly, it turned out to be his phone. I stared blankly at the phone, tears pricking in my eyes.

"I knew it was all my mind playing a game with me", I said out loud as I started crying softly so that I wouldn't wake the other person awake.

"Of course, how would you be awake in just one week, you're not some superhero, it would obviously take time for you to recover", I mumbled as I looked at the phone. I heard the curtains open but I couldn't careless, all I did was stare at the phone.

"What if I am a superhero?", a voice said.

"Shut up", I mumbled as I continued looking at the phone, not really paying attention to the voice. A finger touched my chin and lifted it up.

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