Chapter 56

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Tanvi's P.O.V.

"So what did the doctor tell you?",mom asked as we both entered the living room. Today, his bandages came off and the doctor told it was okay to take a shower. Finally, after two weeks he gets to shower.

"He gets to shower!", I said.

"Finally, now you won't stink atleast", mom said as she stared at Arjun.

"Yes that's the best part, atleast he won't stink anymore", I said.

"Don't talk as if you didn't cling to him and sleep all this while even when he was stinking", mom added smartly. My jaw dropped to the floor. Arjun was laughing at me.

"Mom!", I whined as I stomped my foot.

"You even need to shave, you look like a caveman with that beard", mom said.

"But mom, his right hand is in the cast, how will he do that?", Roshan said as he smirked at me. What the hell is brewing inside his head? With that smirk I'm sure it's not good for me.

"Why of course you will help him, since dad and I are going out in a few minutes", mom said.

"But mom, I have a business meeting", Roshan said. His smirk widening. Mom look at me and smirked as well.

"Well then, I'm sure his wife would gladly help him", mom said.

"Mom I--- I don't know"

"That we don't know, you'll help him, seeing as your dad and I have to go out, Roshan is going for a meeting and Sonia is at her mother's place", mom said and the both of them left us alone.


"Urgh!!! How the fuck do I do this?"

"Babe, calm down, I'll guide you", he said as he settled down on the chair.

I took the shaving cream in my hand and smeared it across his face. Laughing at how funny he looked.

"Ha, now just take the razor and shave"

Wah! So much help.

I stood near the chair as I held the razor in my hand.

"You're not supposed to stare at me you now", he said as he stared at me intensely. That was what the problem was. He was staring at me with such intensity. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer so I stood in between his legs.

"Don't stare at me", I mumbled as I started shaving.

"Don't move"

"Don't do that Arjun"

"Arjun, unwrap your hands from my waist"

"Arjun, if you do it once again, I'll purposely hurt you"

It was so irritating, he wouldn't stop smiling, rubbing his fingers in circular motion around my waist. He just wouldn't stop distracting me.

After I was done, I took a damp washcloth and wiped his face clean and stared at his now shaved face. I was jerked out of my wonderland when he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against his body.

With the position I was in, my face was merely away from him as I held onto the chair for support.

"I know I'm handsome, but don't stare at me like that, you make me blush", he whispered as he stared at me. I just glared at him.

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