Chapter 7

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It was bright outside, maybe sometime in the afternoon. A dark shade loomed from behind. A headache was caused by a trauma to the side. Lifting the head left a small splotch of blood as the ear was bleeding, but not enough to require any medical attention. A ringing from nowhere filled a tiny black room inside of the vessel's mind. It was like a cockpit of sorts with two men standing invisible to the outside world. One of them wore a black suit with a "Ω" on his right shoulder, the other had a white shirt and black pants. Both of them had "ω" on their left sleeve.

No, it's still daylight. The building's shading the ground, said the man in black.

Sir? The voice was the combined voices of multiple speaking in unison, and it came from the other.

Outside, the vessel's head turned and looked around to find a pistol next to it. Engraved was a name, 'O'Malley,' and had a string of numbers below it.

What is our assignment?

Delta-Omega was dumbfounded, making his headache worse. He was just sitting there behind a building when he should be taking in orders. His breathing was quick, his arms were trembling, and he didn't know why. Something was wrong; very wrong.

Sir? Is it time, then?

No. We need to find out our assignment. Then, it may be time.

O'Malley entrusted us with his gun. What does that mean?

I don't know.

What's wrong with our breathing? Are we having a stroke?

No, I don't know. Your asking too may questions. He didn't know how, but he managed to think for once, but his idea was basic and low standing. He'd rather not destroy the vessel if there was a task they were meant to do. He was concerned that


Yes, sir?

Stand up.

The vessel stood up, retaining its balance. D-O scanned the area and realized the location. There were cars in a large lot, and half a kilometer away was a large building. It said Newfort University, with the titles of each "i" being replaced with a butterfly. It was a sign that they were in the right place, he was sure.

Find a place to conceal the weapon.

The left hand lifted the shirt, allowing the right to put the gun between the bare hip and the vessel's undergarments. It was cold, a sensation Omega has felt a few times before.

Find someone homeless. No one will care about them enough to notice anything.

Dead-faced, Omega turned and began walking alongside the building. It was huge in the sense that it covered a large amount of area with only three stories in height. They had come from a fire exit in between the entrance to the physical health section and a staircase that went to a lower floor on the other side. It was a walking passageway into an underground garage, and voices could be heard from it. Once it reached it, the vessel carefully and silently went down the steps, slowly turning the head towards the voice.

Take the gun back out. Shoot anything that's alive.

The voices came from a group of four men sitting in a circle, wearing old, worn down and disgusting clothes that signaled homelessness. One of them was telling a story about an event from the night before; something ludicrous about a black car.

Kill them all.

The gun was ripped out and had shot each one's head in under a few seconds. Omega's aim was perfect, as was expected. Delta would not punish him later. Even more, the security camera was located and shot as if it were a target in a shoot-em-up ride at an amusement park. He had really outdone himself this time despite his initial training.

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