Chapter 11

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The day was miserable. Samantha had no life left to live, yet that's what she did. She was emotionally dead, as the new splits behind her took the ones she had.

"Where's Samuel? I want Samuel!" Cried the scared one in the corner.

"Shut up! He's never coming back!" Said the angry one.

"It's hopeless. We're getting reprogrammed…" said another
"By Spencer, of all people!" Said the disgusted one. "Why him? He's not even a character! We should have never said anything about him that night!”

"Because he's the combination of The Scarecrow and Tin Man. It's his job to regulate this kind of stuff…" Samantha was on the ground on the other side of the mirror, where she could see, hear and speak with her muffled fragments. She wasn't supposed to know they existed, but it was too late to pretend they were something else.

"Why couldn't we be like normal people! Who don't have Innerworlds?"

"Because, we were born in the wrong family…"

Samanthat kept answering question after question, as it was all she felt she could do besides hope Wade and Cathay were okay. She knew inside her heart, if headmates even had hearts, that all this was her fault. Instead of staying silent, she freaked out at the sight of the body in full, with all of it’s male attributes. The distress caused chaos among her system. She used to be Glinda, the good witch, the one that helped Oz stay intact, but it was too much for her. Many of the munchkin parts ran into the forest in fear, and one came across a tree with a locked door. Glinda had the key; it was her wand. She unlocked the door and Samuel, who she saw in the mirror, was inside. She woke him up, and the rest is history.

She currently wondered what it would have been like if things were different, be it she never woke him up from his blackout, or even looked in the mirror after serving a person she thought dear. She would still be the subservient witch she was made to be. But, wondering “what if” was not her main concern; at least, she didn’t want it to be. All this thinking droned out the constant banging from the other side of the window.

“CAN YOU HEAR ME, GLINDA?” The anger being thrown at her felt like being hit with a baseball bat. “CAN YOU!”

“I’m not Glinda anymore… I’m Samantha, a physician, and Samuel’s helper.”

“Do you even think he’s gonna come for us? He’s never been out of that godforsaken forest!”

“Please stop yelling,” begged the one in the corner. “It’s hurting my ears.”

“Oh, virpissen!”

“Be nice, please… We won’t ever get better if we insult each other,” Samantha begged. The angry one was about to protest when the happy one piped up.

“Why don’t we just talk about our feelings! That always helps when Samuel has us do that!”

“But Samuel isn’t here!”

“Well, maybe we can listen to each other…?”

“I like that idea,” said Samantha. “Like group therapy, or something. Anger, you go first.”

“Why?” she demanded.

“Because you seem to have lots to say.”

“Whatever, ‘Samuel,’” said Anger mockingly.

“What about me? I have something to say, too,” said Disgust.

“Anger goes first, and that’s it. We need to be strong until he finds us, okay?” Samantha begged without emotion. It was all she could do, having only logic and rationality to keep her sane.

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