Chapter 16: The Discovery

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"What the hell happened to you?! I was about to call the cops!" Rey yelled as soon as I enter his unit.

"I uh... someone showed up and we had to.. t-talk" I replied not looking at him directly 'cause I know he'll figure it out in 3...2..1

"Oh my God! Did you and Tori had round two tonight?" Rey yelped.

"I-It's not her" I replied in almost whisper.

"Shit! Levi?!" he screamed. I placed my hand over my face and nodded.

"My gosh, sissy! Come on, tell me everything!" he said and patted the seat beside me.

"First, where are the drinks?" I asked before I sat down.


I can't remember how many tequila shots I've had, but everything around me spins. Rey's words are slurred and so are mine, still we kept talking to each other. I'm just not sure if I'm making sense to him, 'cause I don't know what the fuck am I saying.

"Okay, let me get this straight. You don't know why you let that happen to you and Tori, same goes with Levi" Rey asked, after chugging another tequila shot.


"But you like it?"

"I... really don't know" I answered. Maybe I do, I won't even let that happen if I don't, right? I said to myself.

"Sissy, you might have slapped them both if you don't want anything to happen" fuck! Rey just knows me too well.

"The question is, who you like more" he continued and looked at me, obviously waiting for an answer.

"God! I don't know. Is it possible that I like both of them?" I replied and covered my face with my hands. I am really confused right now.

"Well that's not impossible. It's just that you're being unfair to them" even when drunk, Rey makes a lot of sense. Much more sense than me in my normal state of mind.

"I know, I know. I'm just really confused" I replied and poured more tequila in my glass.

"I can see that" he said, while staring at me.

"How am I even supposed to deal with both of them, when I don't even understand myself?" I violently placed the shot glass on the table and bit a lemon.

Rey sighed and looked at me with serious eyes.

"This is the first time I've seen you this confused. You've always been the girl who knows what she wants and plans ahead how she can get it. Maybe you need to think back why you do not know what you want, when it comes to those two?"

I just stared at Rey and did my best to understand his words. Though, I can feel that I'm about to pass out, what he said is crystal clear.

But where do I start? I mean, I met both of them in a horrible way. I stood up to them, which caught both of their attention. I convinced myself that I won't fall for either of them, yet here I am confused.

Why in the hell am I confused anyway? Because I've found out that Tori is a sweet person who takes care of Ben and Levi is a responsible daughter?

They both have revolting personalities, but the side that drew me into them, are the qualities no one has ever seen but me. Still, that doesn't answer the question who do I like more? Or maybe I don't? Can I like both equally?

I looked at Rey, as if I have the answer to my questions and he looked back at me.

"Hmmh, you couldn't like both equally" he blurted. My jaw dropped after hearing that. I thought I figured it out, but here I am again, back to square one.

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