Chapter 27

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Chapter No 27

She was waiting for him for the past half an hour and now she was getting annoyed. She has received his call early this morning that he wanted to discuss something important. Though she knew and she refused to meet him straight away but then he requested and she has to agree

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long but got some important work at the last moment" finally he showed up

"It's fine" she said pulling her scarf to her forehead

"Ok so I guess straight to the point" she nodded while he smiled as a memory flashed in his head when he went to Anabia's office. How nervous and perhaps scared she was

"Relax Sabeen" he offered her water but she shook her head

"No it's alright" 

"Ok so tell me one good reason why you can't marry Salaar?"

She glared him as he's gone mad

"I guess I already told everyone clearly but if you insist then here you go" Maier reclined back in the chair amusingly, "I am a widow. I am elder than Salaar. I'll just bring problems for him and I am a threat to his life" she was tired to explain the reasons to everyone again and again. Even yesterday she repeated all this to Anabia and she knew Anabia would have told Maier about it and now he is here to change her mind

"Real reason Sabeen?" She scoffed

"I told you …"

"Because of me. You can fool anyone but not me" she averted her gaze. He was right but she kept hiding it from her own self then how can he know

"Whatever I felt for you, Anabia was right it was pure infatuation. More than you that time also my mind was bothered about what Anabia said to you. I wanted to marry you just to prove her wrong. My mind was occupied by her more than you. Let's just say that in the past four years I didn't thought about you the more I thought about her" Maier was opening up to her and she was literally gaping at him

"I stalked her, harassed her to get to you and then I did something that I am still ashamed of" he gulped the water in one go. He was confessing all this for the first time and he knew it would be right because Sabeen could understand it the better way and it might help her make the biggest decision of her life

"You wanted to know this all the time" he took in a sharp breath, "I kidnapped her and married her forcefully. I threatened her, humiliated her, made her life miserable but she bear all this and she win me over with her patience" Sabeen could not believe this. The person who posed as sober and decent in front of the whole world acted so cruelly and that too to her best friend

"Ok I just want to confess it that because of you I get Anabia. She becomes my life now, she is the reason I breathe and I guess I owe you this" she looked at him quizzically

"Fate is knocking at your doorstep go ahead and open it"

"Listen Maier, I am very happy for you and Anabia and yes you're right that I cannot accept it because of you as it would get really awkward to marry your younger brother and what if Salaar get to know all this …" he shook his head and interrupted

"Salaar would get to know only if you chose to tell him but it's not necessary. Salaar and Manal are like my children more than siblings. If it would be in my hands I would give them the whole world but he loves you, he desires you" Sabeen could feel the affection and love he had for his brother who wanted to fulfill every wish and dream of his brother

"I am sorry Maier but I am not any thing that you can gift to your brother"

"I know but I can request you to reconsider your decision" he almost pleaded while she just sighed, "and it cannot be more awkward for you than it was for Anabia, to live with a person whom she always looked at like the one who loved her best friend" 

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