Trouble in the Shopping Mall (For Real)

853 22 14

Stella and Ikki are training with their device. They keep countering and blocking each other attack with perfect movement. Then they stopped after Ikki block Stella's attack.

Ikki: Good. Let's call it quits.

Then they sit on the bench and take a break after their training.

Ikki: So Stella, is your first battle already set?

Stella: I got an email from the student administration. My opponent is Momotani in the third year.

Ikki: Oh, I've seen him fight before. His device is a rare-armor type, and--

Stella: Stop, Ikki. I'm not the kind of person who wants to know all the information beforehand.

Ikki: Really?

Stella: Yep. I consider battles like this as training for the future when I encounter unknown blazers.

Ikki: I see. I guess you don't always know their ability.

Stella: Of course, I know it also important to research your opponent just like you do.

Ikki: Heh.

Stella: What?

Ikki: I just thought it was strange. We're so opposite, yet we get along like no others.

The compliment cause Stella to turn red and steam come out from her ears as she look away because of embarassment. Then the bell rings.

Ikki: *stand up* There goes the first bell. Let's go.

Stella: Huh? A-Ah...?

As she saw Ikki is walking away, she think if she wanted to say something.

Stella: I-Ikki!

Then Ikki turn to look at her.

Stella: Today is Friday, isn't it?

Ikki: Yes.

Stella: That means tomorrow is Saturday, and the school is out, right?

Ikki: That's right.

Stella: So... Well... H-Hypothetically... What if you and I... you know... go on a d-d-da-- Eeek!

Ikki's phone rings so suddenly make Stella startled. Then he take out his phone.

Ikki: S-Sorry.

He check what kind of message he got as Stella went to him to see what in his phone.

Stella: Is it about your opponent?

When they look, it was a message from Shizuku.

"Onii-sama, are you free tomorrow? Would you like to go shopping with me? You can bring Yuu-kun as well.


Stella(In mind): *clench her fist* Shizuku!

Then she heard tapping sound and then she look back at Ikki.

Ikki: *typing* Sure, I'd be happy to. I'm sure that Yuuji want to go as well. *Sent*

Stella: Aaaaa... Hey!!

Ikki: Huh? Wh-What? What?!


Yuuji and Mutsuki is walking through the hallway while talking about the selection tournament until...

Yuuji: Achoo!

Mutsuki: Huh?

Yuuji: I don't know but... *hug himself* I felt like I'll end up in another storm...

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