9 | Lady of Charms

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The coronation ceremony was a success, considering Gigi was particularly nervous about it. She had not completely gotten over the huge crowd on her wedding day, so she was thankful that they granted her request for minimal coverage. Only the high ranking members of the nobility and the government were attending.

One day, she would be able to get used to that much attention.

The procession borrowed the same manner of procedure that was used a few centuries ago, for Gigi was the first consort to not be crowned together with the sovereign for over five generations.

As the double doors opened, Gigi entered the abbey in a classic white satin gown bearing the Empire's emblem in gold and silver, a similar style to the ones worn by the previous empresses on their coronation. The gown took months to build, even before her arrival to Angletonia. Her four handmaidens were behind her, holding the end of her long, sweeping velvet green robe. The Leroys' necklace sat proudly on her neck. The honoured guests stood on both sides of the aisle, bowing and curtsying to her as she passed by, recognizing a number of Prajan officials among them.

Sitting upon the throne beside her husband, the oldest members of the House of Lords went over to place two sceptres in her hands. Further, a coronation ring was slid into the fourth finger of her right hand. Gigi closed her eyes as the large, heavy imperial consort crown was seated upon her head. After pronouncing her promises to reign Angletonia fairly and justly, she rose from her seat and stood to Cal's side.

Gigi hoped to catch a glimpse of his casual smile, but he was completely serious during the procession. Although he did squeeze her hand, giving her a sense of ease as the warmth spread over her skin. He raised their entwined hands as the entire hall bowed to them both, thus ending the procession.

"Glory to the Emperor!"

"Glory to the Empress!"


That evening, Gigi stood in her dressing room as her ladies helped her prepare for the banquet. She had chosen an ivory bias cut dress with a deep neck and open back. With floor-length cape sleeves for drama; it matched the splendour of her coronation gown. Her hair was pulled in an updo, adorned by pearl and rhinestone pins.

The Emperor's face lightened with a wide smile when she met him near the staircase. He took her hand and landed a kiss on her satin glove.

"You look breathtaking."

"You don't look so bad yourself, Your Majesty," she smiled. Truth be told, he didn't look bad at all in a tux that emphasized his broad shoulders and svelte waist, with a series of regalia pinned to his chest.

Cal Junior, as always, looked like a miniature of his father.

"Sire, I do have something to give you," she announced, making his eyes light up with interest. Sitting on her palm was a gold and diamond brooch in the shape of a Garuda bird, the royal and national emblem of Praja. "Since you've given me your family heirloom, it's only fair to give you something of mine. This pin belonged to my father. Since we're celebrating the union of our two countries, it would be nice for Praja to be represented."

"I'd be honoured." Cal leaned forward, allowing her to pin the brooch onto his garter sash. "Shall we go?"

They were announced as soon as they came down to the hall.

"His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor. Her Imperial Majesty, The Empress. His Imperial Highness, The Prince of Emraullt."

The banquet welcomed even more guests; not only they were government officials and foreign ambassadors, but they also extended their invitations to a number of friends and known figures around Emraullt; Angletonia's capital city.

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