Part (7)

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(3rd POV)

"I'm really sorry about my brother". Yoongi apologized scratching the back of his neck.

He couldn't believe Taehyung would be as reckless as to just rush into the coffee shop and run to the back without a word.

He was shocked but at the same time he expected it in a weird way.

For this whole week that Jungkook has disappeared in, Taehyung wouldn't leave his notebook.

He would always just doze off while staring at that same sketch.

It was weird seeing Taehyung like this....Yoongi had known Taehyung for forever and he had never acted this serious about a target.

The usual Taehyung would've just ignored the fact that the target was ignoring him...because pushing would make him seem suspicious.

And yet here Taehyung was practically screaming at the top of his lungs that he's an undercover agent.

Taehyung was acting in a really weird way...too weird to be more specific.

"No it's okay...he has been running around for a whole week so figures he'd do that when he saw that Kook was gonna make a run for it". Jin sighed excusing himself.

Jimin and Yoongi stood there awkwardly for what felt like hours but was probably less than a minute.

"". They both started at the same time and instantly stopped to let the other continue.

" you want coffee? It's on the house". Jimin smiled scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"YA JIMIN! Don't go giving away my coffee for free you brat!" Jin exclaimed in a joking matter.

"Oh shut up old man". Jimin groaned but as soon as those words came out of his mouth he knew he was gonna regret it!

And he was right...

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME MISTER!" Jin stomped his feet angrily making his way to the younger.

He pinched the youngers ears and dragged him away while Jimin was crying out in pain and trying to get out of the olders grip.

" hurts". Jimin cried out frowning, he was honestly used to this but having this happen in front of Yoongi.

It was just too embarrassing to even think about!!

"That's the point!" Jin said stopping in front of the cash register and releasing the younger from his grip.

"Jinyoung isn't coming today so your gonna take his place and help around the shop". Jin stated throwing the apron in Jimins way.

"You too". Jin pointed his index finger at Yoongi who seemed a bit surprised but didn't object.

"Nobody even comes to this place". Jimin muttered under his breath which earned him a slap on the back of the head.

If only Jimin knew that Jin noticed the sexual tension just a few moments ago and wanted to do something about it.

He knew that Jimin was too stupid to act on his own so Jin decided to give him a little push by making the two run the shop for the day.

And he so didn't do that just so he could visit his husband who he hasn't seen for a while....

Okay so maybe he did....


"Let me go". Jungkook muttered still trying to struggle out of Taehyungs grip.

"Not until you answer me". Jungkooks actions just made Taehyung feel more worried.

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