( drama club ) t. kei

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tsukishima kei

𝖄ou knew from the very moment your gaze meets the sweet marigolds of his own - you knew that tsukishima kei was bad news. his cold stares and standoffish acts rears your ugly head in fury.

he was not the tsukki you knew from when you were young.

he was a complete stranger to you.

at first, you were enthralled with the idea of going to the same high school as the boy you knew as your shy and cute neighbour. the young boy with disheveled hair the colour of star dews, the playful grin you adored so much and the moonlit eyes that sparkled like the doors of heaven. you envisioned this mirage of him when you walked through the doors of karasuno high.

but the moment you saw him, he didn't seem to recognise you, or so he pretended. his eyes were not the same heaven-dripping colours you remembered, they were like the coldest bars of gold you could find, jejune and washed with a dark sheet of darkness. however, you could not ignore the fact that tsukishima kei had matured a lot; longer strands of dandelion hair, taller stature, defined jaw.

he looked very mature, but to the point where all he gave you that day was a scornful look and a scoff that left his lips you remembered that sported a childish grin. he pulled his headphones that idled around his neck and walked away from you, like it wasn't the most heart-breaking thing to do.

your world crashed that day.

and when you stared back at his head, you concluded that the kei you knew as that blond kid living next door,

was gone and dead.

"what the hell do you want from

"could you leave me alone?"

"you are getting quite annoying."

"shut up."

"you really believed that i thought of you as my friend? pathetic."

"i don't need you, go away."

he never once uttered your name when you tried to reach out to him. you tried to chase after him, trying to rekindle the fire that you both burned back then. for days that bled to weeks, to months and many more. but he would always walk away, call you annoying, tell you to leave him alone.

he does not need you to be his friend anymore.

did those memories you had before useless to him?

he didn't seem to care.

you could feel the gap between the both of you crumbling even more, and its like whenever you watch him walk away - its like you were staring off into a never ending cliff. your heart ached, your eyes watered and as you clutch your chest you decided that tsukishima was just a dream in your life, a dream worth a lifetime.

but right now, he was a walking tragedy, a nightmare in your everyday thoughts tearing you into tiny shreds of doubt and pain, clawing you from inside out like a gnawing monster, ripping your angelic wings and breaking the golden halo of your friendship.

the numb pain crawled up your arms like marching ants. your bones screamed with heaviness, with fatigue. you felt tired chasing after the head of someone you knew from before. that was your hero, your only friend, the only marigold and dandelion you were excited to see.

the city loomed overhead as you exhaled a puff of smoke. his shadow seem to be going farther the more you stayed and finally, you thought that it was time. with a last glance, you spin around, letting the gap between the two of you widen even more.

the moon tonight seem to stare down at the both of you sadly, to tsukishima kei, you were just a walking image.

he does not have anymore time to entertain people from the past.

"hey, (y/n)-chan!" a memory sparks into both your minds, the last moment you had with each other before time and change separated the both of you.

"promise me, that we would be friends forever?" there was a wide grin on his face as you entertwine your pinky with his. "ofcourse!" you giggle. "forever and ever kei!"

your pinky burned with that false promise from the past, and with unshed tears you wipe it roughly onto the fabric of your shirt. the moon cast a hollow shadow under your footsteps, letting the asphalt of the sidewalk glitter like crying tears.

tsukishima lets out a sigh, gold eyes beneath twinkling lashes peering at the scattered moon that drizzled around his figure with a forgotten feeling of longing and emptiness. somehow, the cold air soothes the pain pricking thorns into his heart.

your chest that ache with a heartbreak unravels with a new sense of relief and it finally feels easy to sip the night air and moonlight without a care as you both left each other behind. you both were done.

"tsukishima kei, I have made up my mind." you murmur bitterly at nothing, "i'm done being a part of your drama club.


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