( garden. ) bokuaka

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bokuto kotaro & akaashi keiji
"i saw a butterfly, and a beautiful boy."

𝕭okuto kotarō is on a hunt to find a butterfly. however, the boy of silver hair and marigold eyes was not just looking for any butterflies, as he breeze through the soft pickles of lemon grass against his melon soft, sunburnt skin - his wide, peach sliced grin casted upwards, at the millions of butterflies fluttering across his vision. colours saturated over his eyes, hues of red and yellow and orange and blue. to him, the butterflies were flawless, attractive, charming but never beautiful. he wanted to find a butterfly that he can call beautiful. ( a pretty butterfly that he can call his own. )

his wandering mind came into a halt when he spotted something beneath an oak tree. charcoal black, pomegranate beige - bokuto's footsteps crunch over the meadow, he approached the odd colours and came into a sudden realisation.

bokuto has found a lost boy, a boy snoozing beneath the warmth of the tree. shoulders slumped and chest rising with the softest of breaths, lashes fluttering ever so gently against the soft music of the winds, and mouth parted slightly for air, showing ivory teeth tucked beneath his roseate coloured lips. the boy's tuffs of hair covered his forehead and a naive ladybug dare landed softly over the apple of his cheek, drawing bokuto closer.

when bokuto lifts a hand, ready to brush away the insect perched on the boy's sleeping face - he jolts awake and bokuto's gaze seizes over his eyes; eyes that looked deep like the bluest lines of the ocean meshed with the lavish greeneries of his grandma's zen garden. his eyes were blue, were green - hypnotised with pearls of glow glittered like a bucket of blueish green galaxy trapped in those eyes.

bluegreen eyes collided with the bright golds of his own.

"you're really beautiful." in awe, the silver-haired owl blurts the words into the dancing winds. the boy tilts his head, his eyebrows pinched together in confusion. the lost boy turns his gaze away, brings it back and opens his lips with roses blooming on his cheeks.

"um," his voice was bittersweet and soothing. "t,thank you."

bokuto leans closer, making the boy stir farther, pressing his front body against the tree he was sleeping in. "hey hey hey, what's your name?"

two, then four seconds blew before the boy responds. "it's akaashi keiji."

"that's a really pretty name, aghashii!" akaashi narrows his eyes but quickly shakes it off, "i told you mine," he says. "can you tell me yours?"

"bokuto kotaro, so tell me aghashi-"

"it's akaashi, bokuto-san." somehow, hearing his name spill between akaashi's lips made a wide, happy grin perch on his face.

"say it again." akaashi blushes. "w-what?" bokuto plops himself on the ground, scoots closer towards the beautiful, lost boy. he points towards himself, "say my name again, that was really cool."

akaashi's chest starts picking up a tambourine rhythm, he gazes steadily at the wide, eyed silver head in front of him, and he knew just by looking at him, he was a star that crossed his mind; as bright and golden and as mesmerising as any other stars and constellations he would gaze beneath his oak tree.

he found the star he was looking for,

"bokuto-san," akaashi's voice is firm, brimmed with confidence, and bokuto knew he was the butterfly he was looking for. no, even if he failed his mission in finding a beautiful butterfly to add to his collections, he found something even better than he originally planned.

bokuto kotaro found a friend, a beauty, and his name was- "aghashi, lets be friends from now on then!"

( two boys found what they were searching for in the end; lost then found in a garden of butterflies. )


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