( bruised lips. ) sakuatsu

870 12 15

sakusa kiyoomi & miya atsumu
"just shut up, miya."

    𝕬 burning fire licks their souls ablaze. a lemon has been sliced / a dark charcoal has been burning in a crisp. at first, it was all just irritated eyes, frowning brows and low disapproving tones. it was mellow in the quiet air, almost ghostly. two minutes later, they turned into wolves parched and starved; baring fangs, growling in anger and their eyes - moulded like a loaded gun - it was so close to pulling their own triggers.

    the universe had ran cold due to these young gods who cut their hands and stitched their lips for their own pride. two minutes turned into a couple of seconds - probably thirty seconds when kicking feet and dancing fists slices through the air. oh a war had come forth ! no one knew how these two came to this situation; they knew very well that atsumu miya and sakusa kiyoomi were two beautiful roses with thorns o' plenty, and yet a situation where they end up cutting their own stems never crossed their minds until now.

    meian sighs ones, twice but very heavily. he runs his fingers through his dark hair, his hand ghosting over the phone, he was this close to dial up ojiro and komori but the fight quickly dampens and settles when bokuto and shion came and untangles the idiots.

    atsumu's red ! the roses melting down his nostrils was a masterpiece in display in sakusa's deep mind. the dark-haired male almost chuckles darkly at the lavenders he bought and painted under the lemon boy's eyelids, a masterpiece indeed. atsumu's mind still drowned in feral chaos. continuing to spit and tumble words towards sakusa who merely sends him a dark smile and glare that could very well kill without further contact.

    but atsumu wanted more, he finds himself releasing from shion's grip to kiss his knuckles on sakusa's cheek, a pretty shade of pink rotting to lavender on his beach-glittered flesh satiated the hunger within atsumu, and shion pulls him back again, eyes wide in surprise and bafflement. "are you out of your mind miya!?"

sakusa spits the punch from his red-plump lips, he watches hinata and shion pull atsumu out of the room and he merely sneers. he never saw atsumu again until a few days prior, when his anger had been long forgotten, the only memory of it was the bruises and cuts still resting on his face. sakusa found atsumu leaning lazily against the couch, his dandelion hair looks drenched from afar, like he newly got out from the showers.

    sakusa, with his mask up and dark hair in a tangled mess furrows his eyes narrowly, however that doesn't stop him from approaching the blond and plopping himself on the couch next to him.

    unlike sakusa, atsumu seems to be peeved and irritated. he doesn't turn to look at the dark-haired male. "what, yer still not satisfied with how many bandages there 'r on my face?"

    sakusa doesn't say anything, instead gives him a hard look, releases an annoyed sigh and grabs the nearest pillow, stuffing it on atsumu's right side and tilting his weight towards him making atsumu growl. "the hell 're ya doing, get yer weight off of me ya clean freak."

    sakusa straightens and leans a breath closer towards atsumu's face, pulling the mask down his chin and he sneers. "just shut up, miya." sakusa then leans back down, laying an arm over his eyes, he's fully laying on the blond's side like he was a bed. "you yelling is making me tired, shut your ramble will you?"

    "yer really a bastard, omi."

    one two ten minutes later, the other members found them napping together on the couch, their heavy snores filling the empty space. they shake their heads, and hinata scratches his tangerine curls, almost chuckling.

    "looks like they made up."


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