Chapter 3

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He could feel himself fading away, yet he was unable to bring himself to the light. He could feel like his body was getting heavier and heavier and no matter what he did he couldn't find a way to tell his body to speak. Is this... what dying feels like...? he thought to himself. He barely even remembered what happened after that shot put ball missed him. I should have known.. I might have survived once but I knew I would never be able to survive again... I guess this was just bad luck...

Bing Bong Ding Dong

A body has been discovered! Everyone please report to the library at once!

Rantaro laid there knowing that the announcement was for him. There was nothing he could do anymore. Monokuma declared him as dead and once you are dead it's game over.

I couldn't save everyone. I couldn't end this killing game. I'm sorry... Rantaro continued to fade into the darkness, accepting the unavoidable death that was coming to him.

"I'm telling you, my drone can map the entire room of the library with ease. Of course, it would be obvious if you had the brilliant brain like I have" Miu smirked as Shuichi and Kaede asked her what her plan was. To Shuichi's surprise, Miu was actually complying to his plans with the drone.

"Of course, the map won't be ready right away. I have to use the photos it takes to draw out the floor plan."

"But you know Miu," Kaede replied. "We don't have long to investigate. If you don't hurry then we might run out of time-"

"I can't do shit about that, so just calm your tiny tits and shut up!!" Miu angrily interrupted.

Without thinking Kaede lashed out at Miu over her comment. "YOU SHUT UP!" Kaede screamed. "MY CHEST IT A LOT BETTER THAN YOUR RIDICULOUS COW UDDERS!"

"Cow udders..." Miu froze as she stared at Kaede. "What did I do..."

Shuichi Saihara ignored the random fight and began to poke around the library a bit more. With the Monokubs announcement that they would be developing the photos, much to Shuichi's dismay, he didn't really know where he should investigate.

Shuichi stared up at the bookshelf by the vent and sighed. What he wanted to know is why Rantaro was over at the far bookshelf if he was trying to enter the hidden room. It seemed pointless unless...

He began to frown and walked over to Rantaro's body again and began to poke around the area by his body, hoping something would turn up. There has to be a reason Rantaro walked over here. It can't just be for no reason at all Shuichi kept thinking to himself.
What on earth was over here? It had to be a part of the plan, right? Lure Rantaro over to the book shelf and kill him, but why would they need to do that? It would just have the killer lose more time with the camera intervals. Unless.... Shuichi looked up at the shelf above him which ended right where Rantaro's body was and started at the vent that connected to the classroom that he and Kaede were at...

Realization struck Shuichi in the gut as he began to understand what happened. She could have used that camera to lure him to the shelf. She was in charge of setting that camera up and he organized the bookshelf and left that vent open. She was planning this right under his nose. Shuichi broke out in a cold sweat as he started to climb the ladder to see the top shelf of the library. Maybe he was wrong... He had to be wrong..

"Hey Shuichi, what are you doing?" An innocent voice asked, much to Shuichi's dismay.

"I.. uh... Just checking out the top shelf," Shuichi stuttered.

"I doubt anything is up there relating to Rantaro's death, though." Kaede said. "I think we should go check peoples alibis."

"Hold on," Shuichi said ignoring everything she just said. "This will only take a minute. Our lives are on the line, it's better to be thorough just in case." With that said, Shuichi climbed the ladder and viewed the top shelf of the library. To his horror, his suspicions were one hundred percent confirmed. The books on the shelf were stacked like stairs that went all the way down to to the end of the shelf where Rantaro's body laid. With the vent being opened it would have been easy for Kaede to roll the shotput ball down the vent and have it smash into Rantaro's head. Shuichi closed his eyes and climbed back down the ladder. Kaede had a nervous sweat across her face that she desperately tried to hide, but horribly failed.

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