Chapter 16: Agreement

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Chapter 16: Agreement

You were lying on your bed, mindlessly thinking of random things. It had been a few days since you last spoke to Jay, the other times, he'd only walk in with food before leaving once again, not that you were complaining, you liked not having him around, but you did miss having some human company.

You let out a sigh as you decided to count the stars on your ceiling for the thousandth time, it was pretty boring being kidnapped in your own house against your own will, there was nothing to do.

As you were lost in your own thoughts about how bored you were, you didn't realise Jay entering the room and staring at you as you made different, weird and funny facial expressions.

Jay let out a small chuckle, making you break out of your daydreaming and look at the boy with wide eyes, 'when did he get here?' You thought to yourself confused.

"I wonder what you were thinking about love, those facial expressions seemed quite interesting." He teases you with a grin.

You roll your eyes at him, "Nothing too interesting." You mumble out.

Jay chuckles at you as he sits down on the bed and helps you to sit up before proceeding to feed you.

Having no energy to fight him, you decide to just allow him to feed you. Jays raises an eyebrow at your behaviour but doesn't say anything about it.

Once you were finished with your food, Jay moves the plate to the side and smiles at you while you just stare at him blankly.

"Do you want to do something today love?"

You stare at the boy in confusion, "Something like what?"

"Watch a movie, play games, I don't know, its up to you." Jay suggests.

You stare at Jay suspiciously, "Fine," You say after a while, "I want you to let me free."

"Love you know that I-." You cut Jay off.

"I know you don't trust me, but I swear, I won't escape anymore. I have no where else to go, I just want to be free in my own house. Please Jay."

Jay lets out a sigh as he gives in, "Fine, but I swear if you try to escape again, I will never untie you from the bed again, okay?"

You nod your head at him with a smile as you watch him slowly untie your wrists. With your wrists now free, you turn to look at Jay with a smile, "Lets watch a movie." You suggest.

Jay looks at you shocked, "Really?"

You nod your head at him. Jay smiles at you but said that you need to treat your wrists before you do anything first, you agree with him and allow Jay to treat your wounded wrists before you both make your way downstairs and into the living room.

You take a seat on the couch, while Jay goes into the kitchen to grab some food.

"Do you have anything in particular that you want love?" Jay questions as his head pops out from the kitchen door.

"No thanks, I'm fine with anything." You respond back with a fake smile, as Jay nods and turns away.

Once Jay was gone, you let the smile drop from your face and replace it with a scowl, "Does he really think I'd act like nothing ever happened?" You mumble to yourself as Jay walks in with a bowl of popcorn and some drinks.

He sits down next to you and you have to fight the urge to recoil from him, and allow him to give you the popcorn. You both settle down to watch the movie that was playing on the screen.

A few minutes into the movie, you look at Jay from the corner of your eyes, the boy seemed really fixated into the movie.

"Just earn his trust, (Y/N), then you can escape." You smirk at your thoughts as you settle comfortably for the rest of the movie.

Hopeless (Yandere Homeless Boy X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now