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"How come Hana doesn't come visit anymore?" Chenle voiced to the group as Donghyuck walked out of the bathroom- drying his hair with a towel

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"How come Hana doesn't come visit anymore?" Chenle voiced to the group as Donghyuck walked out of the bathroom- drying his hair with a towel.

"She said she's busy, work and school."
"Did she ever tell you why she wanted to work?" Mark asked, waiting for his coffee to make.

"Yeah, she said she wanted to save up for a bigger apartment when she goes to university."
"But why can't her parents pay for it."

There it was, the question everyone was dying to ask but whenever the mention of parents arose around Hana, Donghyuck would shut it down.

He froze, unsure what to say; not wanting to invade her privacy.
"I don't think it's my place to say."

Mark eyed Donghyuck who's eyes sagged down in sudden sadness and he couldn't help but be curious.

There was something more to Hana than what she perceived to everyone she was.
It was confusing for Mark, why he had the sudden slight urge to ask her why she was upset- be there for her.

Maybe he was angry that no one else had noticed the girl was slipping into a dark pit with no ending.
Maybe he was angry at Donghyuck for not asking- he was her best friend right?

Or maybe he had overlooked the possibility that Hana could have been a good friend- always shutting off the possibility she had the same mentality and mindset as the older ones.

Hana was exhausted, unable to keep her eyes open when she finished her shift and groaned when she realised she had forgotten her keys.

Wanting nothing but to be layed in the safety of her blanket, she began to walk in the darkness towards the familiar company building.


Hey are you free right now?

Hana sighed once she sent the text, anxious as she knew she had to tell someone- anyone how she was feeling.

Although she had an inkling they were in practice and he wouldn't see his phone till much later, she wished someone would magically come and save her.

That wasn't realistic though.

She reached the familiar coffee shops within the entertainment company, sliding into the seat.

It was basically empty, now nearing 11pm on a weekday, not many people were out working or training in these hours.
Some did, most didn't.

Hana sighed, the loneliness catching up to her and the horrible feeling of weighting down on her chest became more heavier.

Her over obsessive thoughts began to rise and her breaths quickened. Hana shoved her head into her cross arms on the table- sucking in a breath of air to calm herself down.

Focused on her breathing, she hadn't noticed someone had sat beside her.
"Shouldn't you be at home?"

Hana perked up at the voice, sitting up straighter to see Mark with his wallet clasped in his hand, resting between his open legs when he leaned his head back on the wall.

"I forgot my key." She said, voice seeping with tiredness but even she didn't know what she was tired of.

Perhaps everything?

She couldn't even think straight when he sat next to her, the overwhelming sense of insecurity weighted down on her and she wanted to run for the hills at the thought of him looking at her longer than a few seconds.

Hana was fidgeting with her hands, wringing them and aimlessly scraping her nails down the side of the skin.

Mark's eyes fell to the motion and he sighed, kicking himself for not being the most open person when it came to emotions.

"You know kiddo," he began, picking his words carefully, making sure not to say the wrong things.
"You haven't been yourself lately."

"Huh, I don't know what you're-"

There was something in his tone, the way he spoke seriously, concerned- it confirmed she couldn't make up any lies as he saw right through her.

He probably thinks I'm dramatic
I'm annoying

She could feel the lump in her throat scrape against her and she sudden felt every nerve picking up the way his eyes melted into her skin.

Hana hated it, hated how he saw through her. She looked weak and she hated it.

Not long after, a warm and larger hand clasped over her hands that had now broken there surface of skin, stopping her actions.

"You're not alone Han, you know? You have me...if you want to speak about it. I'm sure Donghyuck wouldn't mind listening to you either."

Hana felt like she couldn't speak, if she did she'd start crying and by the way her bottom lip trembled and her eyes burned it seemed as though she was verging on tears.

"You can cry, it's only me here."

Ugh man in my feels

Unrequited 》Mark Lee Where stories live. Discover now