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"Father!" I call out to him. "What is happening!?"

I run across the hallway to The Stag King. He looks up and gives me a guilty look.

"I am so sorry," he mutters reaching to stroke my cheek.

I back away from his touch as if it were fire.

"No," I shake my head in disbelief. "NO!"

I sprint away to the courtyard. I heard my heartbeat in my ears and the tears flying from my eyes. He was innocent. My uncle was not a traitor! I make my way there and I can smell the anger and fear. My uncle, my poor uncle Eddard. He was kneeling before Prince Joffrey and the Queen Cersei. The commoners were throwing rocks at him.

"Traitors will be shown no mercy!" Joffrey yells.

Sansa is bawling and pleading to Joffrey and Arya was struggling against a knight.

"Eddard of House Stark," Cersei smirks. "You are condemned to death."

I run out to stop this all but I feel strong arms grab me.

"Calm yourself lady," says a hoarse voice from behind me.

"Let me go!" I cry. "Please I beg of you!"

I kick and punch the Hound but he doesn't move a limb. The executioner comes out with an axe in hands.

"Please gods!" I scream. "I beg of you no!"

"Quiet girly," the Hound snarls and tightens his grip around me.

I scream and thrash with all my might. My uncle puts his head down. He looks at Sansa and Arya with loving eyes then at me. He mouthed some words I could not make out. The executioner raised his axe and dropped it at my uncle's neck. I screamed in anguish. How could this happen! He was innocent!

"I will not have my eldest son and heir betrothed to a traitor," Cersei bellowed.

"I must mother," Joffrey sighs.

"Not if she is ruined," Cersei smirks.

The guard holding her smirks back and throws Sansa to her hands and knees.

"NO!!!" I scream. "She is only a girl."

"I am so sorry," mutters the Hound.

The guard rips off Sansa's gown in one thrash leaving her completely nude. The crowd laughs and Sansa cries and pleads. The guard goes into her and she screams in agony. Arya is left staring in fear with tears streaming down her face. As the guard climaxes into Sansa she squeals. She is ruined. The guard turns her around and shoves a knife up her maiden. Sansa screams and yells in pain and torture. He then shoves the knife into her belly where a baby would be born. Sansa screams again. He finally slits the auburn beauty's throat.

I look at my cousin not believing my eyes on what just happened. Suddenly another guard get's Arya by the head and pounds it into the stone ground until she falls lifeless.

"Aarrggghh!!!" I scream. "Please no!"

"The Starks are no more!" Joffrey yells victoriously.

Then I couldn't handle it. I grabbed Sandor's swords and slipped from his grip. I ran to Joffrey but before I could plunge the blade into his heart, guards grab me.

"That is treason sister," smirks Joffrey and walks over to me.

"You have killed everyone I love," I snarl.

"No no," Joffrey says patronizingly. "We still have your bitch Aunt, and bastard cousins."

"You are the only bastard," I spat at him. "You are the product of Lannister twins fucking."

I expected the hard slap from Joffrey and it came. I felt no pain on my face though.

"I could have your tongue cut out for that," Joffrey growls. "My ward needs to learn some manners."

"Your what!?" I exclaimed.

"Well more of my father's ward." he smirked trailing his finger down my cheek to my breast which he began to circle. I squirm at his disgusting touch.

"Now run along to your chambers," Joffrey turns away.

The guards lead me to my chamber, pushing me along. Bran and Rickon are going to die. Robb and Catelyn will fight though. I just saw my uncle beheaded and my cousin's slaughtered. Tears begin to prickle my eyes but I blink them away. I shall shed no more tear...


Yay! New Story! I wanted to make a darker and more violent fanfiction so this is what I came up with! It is an AU based on @RosellaStark's novel The Young Wolf and the Fawn, which is an amazing beyond amazing fanfiction. So check that out and don't be a silent reader.

~Mischeif Managed and Winter is Coming~

The Queen in the North (A Game of Thrones Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ