hickey prank

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"hey guys! welcome to or welcome back to my channel. i'm adelaide and this is one of my best friends, jake. jake is dating my best friend tara. so basically i'm going to give myself a fake hickey." i explained.

"and then i'm going to be hiding in their closet to make it seem like adelaide was cheating on him with me." jake explained.

i went into the bathroom and started my fake hickey as i explained to the camera why i chose jake to do the prank with me. i chose him because jake, tara, colby and i live together.

i was going to do it with sam but then i realized it would be more realistic if i was just like home alone with jake and it happened.

"does this look real?" i asked jake.

"oh my god yes." he told me, laughing. tara was in on our prank just in case it went too far.

"oh shit he just opened the apartment door. okay go into the closet." i told jake.

"baby?" i heard colby call out.

"in here." i called, pretending to fold a shirt that had already been folded.

"hey, babe. who were you talking to?" he asked me, sitting on our bed.

"i wasn't talking to anyone?" i said.

"oh i thought i heard you talking." he said.

"no... i've just been folding clothes."

"okay. i'm hungry. do you wanna go get some food? maybe chipotle or tender greens." he suggested.

"uh you could go pick us up chipotle or something." i said.

"why're you acting like that?" he asked.

"like what?" i asked him back.

"you're acting weird. just not yourself." he said.

"i am not." i said back.

he got off of the bed and got closer to me. he's gonna see the hickey soon.

"what's on your neck?" he asked me.

"what do you mean? oh! i burned my neck with a curling iron, remember?" i asked.

"that was two weeks ago." he said.

"it just got more red." i told him.

"i would've noticed it before. is it a hickey?" he asked me.

"no... unless you gave it to me."

"i didn't give you a hickey." he said.

"it's not a hickey! i burnt myself!"

"let me see it." he demanded, trying to look at my neck while i moved away.

"stop it!" i told him, making him pull away from me.

"are you cheating on me?" he asked, his voice slightly cracking.

i was about to say something when i heard jake drop something in the closet to get colbys attention.

"what was that? what the fuck was that?" he asked.

"i don't know." i said, trying to stand in front of the closet door.

"move." he demanded. i didnt exactly know what to do so i just stayed where i was. "move." he practically growled. it honestly kind of scared me so i moved just enough that he could get in.

he slammed the door open and look behind it.

"uh hey?" jake said.

"are you fucking serious? are you serious?" he yelled.

then there was a bunch of yelling between the two boys and i managed to get colby to chill so jake could say something.

"listen dude, i'll do anything... just don't tell tara." jake asked him.

"i'm gonna kill you." colby threatened.

jake started running out of the room, with colby chasing him. i quickly grabbed a camera and by the time i got out of our room, jake was laying at the bottom of the stairs and colby was on top of him.

"baby stop! it was a prank. it's a prank, look." i said. he sat up a bit and looked over at me.

"you're kidding?" he asked. "i'm sorry bro." he laughed.

"i fell down the stairs!" jake laughed.

"i was actually going to kill you." colby laughed.
"feel my heart." colby told me.

"feel your heart? feel MY heart." jake laughed.

"i'm sorry guys." i laughed.

"at first i was suspicious and then when he said not to tell tara it was like all i could see was red." colby told me.

"i'm sorry baby... but welcome to the prank wars."

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