ceos daughter III

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"do you wanna go back to my house for the evening?" colby asked me.

"uh... sure." i smiled. i knew i was getting in too deep. i already had the biggest crush on him and this constant hanging out isn't helping. it's been three weeks since we met and i'd seen him every single day.


"your house is insane." i said, getting out of the car, looking at the huge house in front of me.

"ayla, this is nothing compared to your house." he laughed. he opened my car door, today we took his tesla model X. i followed him up the stairs and into his house. he gave me a little tour of the house.

"do you wanna go see my cars?" he asked. from what i knew, he had around twelve of them.

"yes!" i said, excited. he grabbed my hand, leading me into the garage. the first car i noticed was the red bel air i had driven the one day. the one next to it was a vintage 1968 RG/SS red camero. it seemed that red is his favorite color.

six of the cars were red, two black, two white, a blue one and a pink one. i was in love.

"what do you think?" he asked me, coming up next to me.

"this is a dream." i laughed. how can someone be so hot, humble AND have a personality. it was unheard of amongst the rich. i couldn't wait to tell hailey about this.

after he showed me around a bit more, we made our way back to his living room. we ended up making out on the couch and then i slept over... in his bed.


colby and i were making out on his couch... something we seemed to do a lot. colby and i had been... doing a lot together. i stayed over at his house most nights, lying to my family by saying i'm with hailey (who was of course covering for me if needed.) we would wake up in the morning and eat breakfast together and then he would either take me home or to the office with him, until he got off at the end of the day in which i would typically have dinner with him and then go back to his place.

i pulled out of our heated kiss, looking at him in the eyes. "you okay, babe?" he asked me.

"yeah. uh- colby, what are we?" i asked. it had been well over a month of making out and hooking up but we also talked about life and we shared our interests with each other. i was getting mixed signals. i was already attached to him so i needed to know. i heard him let out a sigh before he spoke up.

"what do you want us to be?" he asked me, setting his hand on my lower leg.

"i- i don't know. i really like you." i admitted.

"i like you too, ayla. i just don't know if it's safe for us to be together... with me working for your dad and all." he told me.

"well we've already hooked up so it's not like there's much of a difference." i laughed. "my dad will not be mad if we're dating. the only thing hed fire you for is for cheating on me." i told him with a gentle laugh. "we'd still have to keep it on the down low because he'll be up our asses about it."

"okay. i didn't exactly want to ask you this way but... ayla banks nolan, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, very cheesy.

"of course i will." i smiled, leaning in to kiss him again.


a month later, colby and i are still going strong. we hadn't told anyone about us... asides from hailey and his best friend sam. i had convinced my dad to let me have a "job" at his company as an assistant to colby. the other three presidents already had assistants and colby didn't. it worked out perfectly.

brittany was an assistant to all of the higher up people in the office.... including me. sure, my job was not that important and they could surely function without me, but with my dad owning the company, i got paid more than some of the best workers there. i get paid to hang out with my boyfriend all day. it's the perfect scenario.

"good morning, mr. brock." i smiled, walking into his office.

"good morning, miss. nolan." he smiled. "how is my gorgeous assistant this fine morning?" he asked. i hadn't stayed at his place last night. i had promised hailey a girls night at my house.

"good." i smiled. i went to say something else when brittany barged through the door.

"mr. brock, you missed your 9:00 meeting this morning. looks like you're assistant of the year." she said, dramatically, as she set his cup of coffee down.

"actually, i had it rescheduled to wednesday at 2pm because he had an appointment this morning at 9." i told her. she glared at me, hugging out. "also, i'd like an iced vanilla latte with two shots of espresso." i told her.

she didn't say anything and she simply just marched out of the room. my job consisted of texting colby each morning and making sure he knew what meetings he had that day. that was pretty much it. i sat on my laptop in his office most of the day, watching youtube or netflix. we'd go out for lunch a few times a week. i would run papers to other offices for him or i would print more copies of things for him. that was the extent of my job.

"i'm bored." i huffed out, shutting my laptop.

"you could always organize files." he laughed. he didn't ask much of me, knowing i was only doing this so we could be together all day.

"or we could make out." i suggested, standing up.

"i have to finish this report, baby. but i'll take you to lunch." he told me, typing something else down. i walked over to his desk, moving a folder and then sitting down on the table. "what're you doing?" he asked me, looking up at me.

"i'm bored." i told him, messing with the hem of my skirt.

"come here." he said, pulling me off of the desk to straddle him in his chair. he brought our lips together. "give me ten minutes and i'll take you out to lunch." he told me, helping me off of him but then allowing me to sit on his lap while he finished his report. every few minutes that passed, his lips would meet with my neck. i was busy scrolling through instagram, checking up on my friends who i had barely talked to since meeting colby.

we did eventually go out for lunch. and then at the end of the day we made our way back to his house. this had become a typical day for us. we would wake up, go to the office, get lunch, go back to the office, grab dinner and then stay at colbys. it was nice, having a routine and everything.

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