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      "Hahaha! That was a funny joke, tell me another one." the giggles of the (L/n) family's only four year old echoed through the residence's hallways. The parents' growing curious as to what their child was laughing at, peeked into her room. The girl's back may have been turned to them, but they could clearly see that no one else was in the room with her, thus leaving the parents questioning who their child was talking to.

      "Who're you talking to (Y/n)?" (M/n) questioned as her child's laughter halted as she turned to face the married couple, her cheeks tinted pink from her previous laughing fit.

      "Grandma Shelby of course momma. She tells the funniest jokes!" (Y/n) answered with a wide grin on her face. The older (L/n)'s faces turned to ones of concern as they heard their child's response. You see, Grandma Shelby had died a few days after (Y/n)'s fourth birthday a few months ago, and the little one was quite devastated. After the funeral, she was a crying mess and refused to talk to anyone for a solid week. The parents grew worried for their little one and began to fret that she was hallucinating things now.

      "Honey what do you mean? Grandma Shelby's....dead," (F/n) said, wincing as the little girl's bright grin changed to a face of confusion as she stated, "Huh? No she's not. Grandma Shelby is right here." The child then motioned to a chair that was positioned right in front of her, looking to her parents as if they were dumb.

      The parents looked to eachother, concerned for their child's mental health.

      "Well Mr and Mrs. (L/n), from what our results state, your child is perfectly fine." Inside the doctor's office, the parents of the four year old girl clutched eachother's hands, shocked and confused expressions on their faces as the female parent spoke up.

      "Then why is it that our sweet baby is claiming to be talking to her dead grandmother?" The worried mother questioned, letting one of her husband's hands go to motion to the four year old girl sitting on the patient bed, incoherently murmuring to the air in front of her. The woman furrowed her eyebrows, clutching onto her husband's hand with a tighter grip, to which he squeezed back in an attempt to ease her.

      The doctor let out a hearty chuckle as he looked at the worried couple reassuringly, stating, "Well, it seems that perhaps it's a sign that your daughter's quirk is manifesting. From what we can tell, it has something to do with the dead. Maybe a quirk similar to what we refer to as mediums or espers." The couple noticeably perked up at the mention of their daughter's potential of having a quirk as the doctor continued, "Whatever it may be, the quirk doesn't seem fully developed yet, so how about we schedule an appointment within the next few months to keep up with your little one's quirk development and if anything happens within that span of time, you should contact us." He wrote something down onto the paper on his clipboard before ripping a shred of the paper off and handing it to the (L/n) parents, revealing it to be contact information for the hospital. The small family made their way out of the hospital after that.

Earlier, with (Y/n):

      The girl sat on the thin mattress that the hospital bed supplied, fiddling with her fingers as her parents continued to blabber nonsense with the doctor. she began to grow bored as time passed, turning to look out the window, into the endless blue sky as her mind wandered off.

      A minute or two passed by before the girl saw something fly past the corner of her eye, a shiver going down her spine as she turned her head to observe the object(?) only to meet the seemingly tired, dull white eyes of a pale male who sat on his knees in the same bed that the four year old was on.

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