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        (Y/n) layed on the living room floor, hands propping her face up as she watched Peppa Pig, Nanashi sitting cross-legged by her side. The peace in the (L/n) residence was broken when the high-pitched ringing of the doorbell rang throughout the house. The four-almost five-year old sprung up from her position on the floor and rushed to the door, a wide smile on her face.

     When she reached the-already open-door, the girl saw her mom talking to Shinso's mom, along with the mentioned boy peaking from behind her.

     "Toshi!" To say that the boy was surprised to hear that nickname would be a lie, but he sure was taken aback by the flying hug attack that came soon after. The children went down together-(Y/n) not releasing her grip-, laughing as they hit the ground. They were both surprised when (Y/n) was lifted off of the indigo-haired boy.

     "(Y/n)," Her mother scolded, "you need to be more careful! You could've injured both yourself and Shinso." The mother's rant was cut off by a giggle, coming from no one other than the older indigo haired female.

     "It's fine (M/n)," She said, helping her son up. "Shinso couldn't keep still in the car on the way here. Let's leave the kids alone and go back to our chat." The (h/c) haired mother couldn't keep the small smile off of her face as she put her daughter down, watching her rush over to the other child and drag him inside. "C'mon Toshi! Nanashi's waiting for us in the living room!" Hearing the childish laughter that followed, the two older females shared a look and laughed. "Well I'll leave his stuff here and come pick him up sometime in the morning?" Mrs. Shinso asked receiving a nod from (M/n) as she took the race-car-themed backpack, soon returning to the inside of her home. She sat the backpack by the side of the door as she headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch, smiling at the laughter heard coming from outside.

     Tired, Shinso layed his head in the soft grass that the (L/n)'s backyard provided as (Y/n) sat in her knees, making a two flower crowns-one for him and the other meant for Nanashi, but she'd wear it for him since he couldn't. Said ghost was looking at something in the woods, staring intently at it. That something was revealed when a pair of legs walked forward revealing a...person?

        Nanashi couldn't really tell and neither could (Y/n), who had heard the weeping coming from the woods and had turned her head towards the noise. While the body of it seemed normal, from the neck up it produced two identical heads. The only way to tell them apart were the markings on their cheeks, their eyes, and the hats that they wore. The right head had tear droplets and the left stars. They both had the same curly white hair and pasty skin that made the grey freckles on their noses pop out. The right head had light blue eyes the color of the ocean and the left had vibrant red ones that reminded you of the stop signs your mom drove by on the was to kindergarten. The boys' attire made you think that they belonged to some circus nearby. On their shared body, they wore similar to what a jester of medieval times would wear.

     Finishing her flower crowns, (Y/n) put one on her head and then Shinsou's sleeping one and walks over to the crying boys slowly, Nanashi right behind her. "What's wrong?" she asked in a quiet tone. The left head quieted down his crying as his twin continued to bawl and spoke with a hard stutter. "We-we. We ca-an't fin-d our mo-mommy." The left head only seemed to wail louder at that sentence. He was obviously the more sensitive of the two. "Well, where was the last place you saw her?" She asked wearily. The girl was troubled. Four year olds weren't made to deal with other's problems, yet here she was, not that she minded. She liked helping people. "I remember...We were at the circus..." It seemed that the blue eye'd twin had calmed down a little as his brother began to tell their tale, quieting down-but the tears didn't stop.

     "Mommy had brought us there for out tenth birthday. She said that at the end we'd get to meet the ring master. We were so happy. I remember mama's expression when the circus was over. It was.. weird. We saw her talk to the ring master. He seemed so nice. He showed us around, and introduced us to the other acrobats, clowns, and animals and told us that we would have a good time there. I was so confused because he had this weird smile on his face. We had turned around to look for our mommy, but she was gone. I don't remember what happened after that. I think it was the end.." The red eyed twin trailed off looking to the side as his brother spoke up. "What'd we do wrong? We didn't do anything wrong..."

      Nanashi felt deep concern and sympathy for the Siamese twins. Floating past a speechless (Y/n), he reached out his hands and patted the boys' heads, ruffling their hair a little. The twins looked up to meet the older boy's comforting gaze. He smiled sadly at them. 'I understand. It's okay now,' He thought. The message seemed to get through to the boys as they both teared up, wrapping their arms around the teen as they wailed loudly-not that anyone besides (Y/n) could hear. The four year old girl didn't quite grasp what happened to the boys, but she knew one thing now. They were dead. And they had finally come to terms with it.

    Before long, the sun had begun to set, and (M/n) had called for the two four year old's to come inside. (Y/n) had spent a majority of the time outside cheering up the ghost twins-who she had learned that their names were Shin and Hito*-along with Nanashi. The white haired ghost had to admit, he had a soft spot for children.

     (Y/n) had woken up her purple haired friend, who thanked her for the flower crown and headed inside, leaving (Y/n) with the three ghost boys. Turning to face the twins, she watched as they walked up to her with a smile. (Y/n) smiled back and looked up to the boys who looked at eachother, nodded, and looked back to the girl. "You and your friend helped us," Shin said as Hito continued, "And we are grateful." The twins took a deep breath and Hito touched the girls forehead. The girl went cross-eyed as she watched the touched spot glow, gasping in awe as it did so before hearing the twins speak simultaneously, "Since you've helped us when we're sad, we'll help you when your sad too." The Siamese twins then disappeared in a flash of white light, leaving just (Y/n) and her favorite ghost outside.

      "(Y/n)! Your food's getting cold," she heard her mom call, hearing Shinso's voice soon after. "If you don't eat it, I will!"

     "Don't touch my food!"

     After eating and taking baths, it was time for the kids to go to sleep. (Y/n) helped Shinso set up his sleeping bag on the floor next to her bed and then set up hers next to his.

     "Night kids," (M/n) said as she turned the light off, leaving the window to provide a-very dim-light source. It was quiet for a moment before the violet eyed male broke it. "Hey (Y/n)," he whispered, making the girl's (e/c) orbs turn to him. She gripped his hand that was poking out of his All Might-themed sleeping bag to let him know that she was listening. "Thanks for inviting me. I had fun today." The girl nodded her head-not that Shinso could see-,and said, "Yeah, I did too. Thanks for coming Toshi." Shinso bid the girl a good night that she returned as the two friends fell asleep.

     Or at least Shinso did. (Y/n), on the other hand couldn't shrug off the nagging feeling in the back of her head telling her to go look out her window. So she did. Crawling out of her Sailor Moon-Themed sleeping bag, (Y/n) walked to her window an peaked out of it, standing on her tippy-toes to do so. (E/c) eyes widened slightly as they met beady glowing white ones. She couldn't see much, but she saw staring back at her. She couldn't tell if those were antlers peaking out from its head or the tree branches.

     After holding the staring contest for a few seconds, (Y/n) raised her hand timidly, waving at the creature. Receiving no response, the girl blinked, and when she opened her eyes again, it was gone.

     (Y/n) said nothing about the creature the next morning as she ate breakfast with Shinsou in the living room-Nanashi was also present. They watched the latest episode of Peppa Pig before the high-pitched tone of the doorbell rung throughout the house, giving the ghost serious deja vu.

     "That should be your mom Shinso!" (M/n) called out, going to open the door as she proved her guess correctly. The older Hitoshi let the children finish breakfast as she chatted away with (M/n), talking about whatever moms talk about.

     After Shinso left, (Y/n) continued to watch TV before a thought crossed her mind. Looking at Nanashi, the girl called out to her mom.

     "Mom, can you teach me sign language?"

Artwork not mine.

I'm bad with angst. Sorry.

*Shin is the red eyed twin, and Hito is the one with blue eyes, or in the picture closed eyes.

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