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      Once again (Y/n) found herself at the park, this time Nanashi by her side, which she was glad about. The girl had settled down in the sandbox, using someone else's discarded bucket to build a makeshift "sandcastle", which in reality, was just a big pile of sand, but a pile of sand that she was proud of nonetheless.

      "Look Shi! My sandcastle's so big! Now I just need something to decorate it with. Ya' know, to make it stand out," she began to look around the sand box, not moving away from her sand pile in fear that something will happen to it if she does. The girl missed the eerie figure that stared at her from the coverage of the woods, but Nanashi sure didn't. There was a rock that came flying in the two's direction, specifically towards (Y/n)'s head. Just a few inches away, the rock was stopped by an invisible force, as if the girl had a protective force-field surrounding her, but in reality it was the ghost boy's doing. He glared towards the direction that the rock came from and floated it towards the oblivious four year old, who was still looking for something to decorate her "sandcastle".

      (Y/n) blinked in surprise as she felt a bumpy object tap her cheek, turning towards the floating rock. She grabbed it and turned to her dull eyed friend, beaming a gap-toothed smile. "Wow! How'd you know this was just what I needed Shi? You're so cool!" The ghost just nodded at the compliment, going back to observing the (e/c) eyed girl build her sandcastle.

Their peace was broken when the two noticed someone sit down in front of (Y/n)'s sandcastle. Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/n) saw two pairs of legs, one sitting and the other standing. She lifted her head and was greeted by two different people, a boy who looked her age and a girl who looked like an adult. She met the boy's eyes first and blinked at his strange appearance.

      Rather than having only a pair of eyes on his head, the boy had many all over his face, leaving no room for a nose or mouth anywhere on his face. They varied in size and seemed to be looking in many directions, blinking at different moments, but a majority of them were faced towards the girl. The boy's eyes were all a deep black with a white ring in the center. He had short, shaggy black hair and wore a black jacket that was buttoned up all the way so (Y/n) couldn't see what he was wearing underneath it, long with a pair of shorts and no shoes.

      Next to the boy, stood the girl, who was also unknown. Unlike the boy, the girl had no eyes, in fact she had no face at all. Just a gaping hole where her face should've been. It dripped a liquidy black substance that vanished into thin air as it almost hit the ground. You would be able to see through the hole if she moved her long, black hair out of the way. The girl had an obvious slouch in her posture and her hands dangled by her sides, her nails painted black. She wore a long, flowey white skirt that stopped by her ankles and an off the shoulder black shirt.

      "Hello!" (Y/n) greeted the two, receiving a nod of acknowledgment from the woman and a short "Hi" from the unknown boy, making (Y/n) blink in surprise. She did not expect a verbal response from either of the two, yet the boy was somehow able to respond without a mouth."Woah! How'd you do that! You didn't even have to move your mouth," (Y/n)'s eyes sparkled as she asked the boy, discarding the fact that he didn't have a mouth to begin with. The boy just shrugged and blinked rapidly as he responded, "I don't know. I guess it just come's with my quirk." He shrugged, some of his eyes looking to the side shyly. This statement peaked (Y/n)'s interest even more as she asked, "Really? What's your quirk?"

      The boy scratched his head and a majority of his eyes looked up as he responded, "My mommy said it was like a prediction quirk, but I can also see glimpses of other's past and if I try hard enough, maybe into another diminishin, whatever that is." This boy just gets more interesting by the second. (Y/n) clasped her chubby, (s/c) hand's together and leaned forward, almost crushing her sand pile as she asked, "Do you think you can tell me what my name and quirk is? I wanna see how your quirk works." The black haired boy nodded, before closing his eyes, his mind focusing on nothing other than the (h/c) haired girl in front of him.

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