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^^ Level 25 Seraphim Knight ^^

There was a brief moment of confusion, then panic, as I realized that my entire new pool of health was gone in an instant; I had only 10HP left after that Impact, and my body felt like it was on fire. When the projectile that had hit me groaned, I took a deep breath to move through the horrific pain, then summoned my healing slime and two healing potions. The first, I drank myself, and the second I cracked over the head of the person above me, healing both of us 30 points. "Get. Off." I growled at the offending lump of meat, and bodily threw them off of me with a Heave when they were too slow to comply.

"Ow." Kenny groaned, nursing a visible Dent in his chest-plate.

"Oh... hey, Kenny! Have a Slime!" I placed the slime on his forehead, steadily healing +2 every second, then looked at the direction he'd come flying from. "Who b@&$h-slapped you into next week, buddy?" I asked, seeing no one suspicious in the vicinity, not even Uric or Hellen.

"F$&@$!g 25th Level Knight, that's who... he threw me over a f$&@$!g building!" He growled a few more quack-sounds with the censor, standing up slowly with Jack's help.

I nodded and started jogging towards the direction he'd flown from, UnMuting the NPC's Gossip Channel. Gossip was an ingenious piece of Code which essentially created a neighborhood watch in every city; when something happened out of the ordinary, the NPC's told each other, in a tone that was audible by Players, thus creating a realistic chain of knowledge. If the information involved a crime, the guards were eventually able to overhear it as well, and react accordingly.

The gossip I was hearing was not good.

"Four Guards are dead already?!? How awful..."
"And an Angel is the Perpetrator?!? How awful..."
"Doesn't he have two Allies? That's what I heard..."
"Three Evildoers in the southern quarter? How awful..."
"Some Brave Adventurers have tried to stop them Already, right? That's what I heard..."

Well, I didn't say it was sophisticated, just useful.

Following the trail of whispers led me to a city Square, next to the Reincarnation Platform; when you died in this City or the surrounding Dungeons, this was where you came back completely empty-handed, your entire Inventory left behind as a Tombstone wherever you died, and you lost all the progress you'd made since your last level up. Subsequent deaths would actually lower your level, once for each time you died with no XP to lose.

Usually, it was a place with merchants hawking beginner items and weapons, but now it was a war zone, where about twelve people battle against one winged Knight in glowing white armor amidst a plot of a dozen gravestones.

Warning: Entering Unsanctioned PvP Event; XP Gains from Killing 'Rick-My-Roll Lvl 25 Knight', 'Tra-lala Lvl 25 Bishop', and 'Edgiest-Of-Lords Lvl 25 Bard', are currently Quintupled!!! Penalties for PvP within the Safe Zone are Disabled!

I whistled softly, reading the message again and looking up at the Knight, laughing as he swung a massive golden greatsword and decapitated another person. "You had to reeeeeally piss off the GM's to get that kinda treatment..." I hummed and released my Tranquilizer Slime onto the ground, ordering it to skirt around the entire 'Arena' and come up behind them stealthily.

'Move away stealthily; offer support but don't get too Close. I have a plan.' -Samantha.

'Stay Back!!! He'll kill you with a single kick!!!' -MyDarlingHellen.

'No s$!t I'm staying back!!! That bastard Killed Kenny!!!' -Ureka!.

'I'm still alive, jerk.' -YouKilledKenny!!!.

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