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^^ Oberon ^^

I immediately held up a hand to forestall anyone bitching at me. "Now, before anyone gets on my case,-"

"-No! No, I am getting on your case, Sam!!! You killed off our entire Faction, and now we're in a Level 25 Dungeon without any help, and it is entirely your fault!!!" She snapped, gesturing with her hands around us angrily.

"A Grey Dungeon." I clarified calmly.

"WHAT SIGNIFICANCE DOES THAT HOLD RIGHT NOW?!?" She roared even louder, stepping into my space angrily.

"First off, do not scream at me, little girl; this is a Game and I'm the only one here who is not a Casual." I held up a finger in her face, correcting her attitude first thing.

She reared back from the ice in my tone, and frowned at me as she stepped back into her own space. "Alright, that's fair... but-"

I cut her off with a sharp wave of my hand. "-Secondly, -yeah, I'm not done,- Secondly; the others were a group of people out for themselves who wouldn't have been a help in any of these three contests. In the First Round they were useful as DPS and Meat-shields, nothing more, but considering this is a Grey Dungeon, and we are Grey Faction, there's a strong possibility that this dungeon can be pretty easily completed with Charisma, and those idiots would have just attacked the first thing they saw, ruining our chances at succeeding entirely, because even 45 Level 15-19 players with 4 Level 20's wouldn't have been enough to fight an entire Level 25 Dungeon. In no scenario would that go in our favor without proper planning, and considering the likelihood of them following such a plan was zero, (by virtue of their aforementioned idiocy,) I retain my sense of righteousness, having done nothing at all that I regret. Third: in Round Three, we'll be fighting the other Factions, and I for one would prefer if their numbers were vastly reduced, and that their numbers wouldn't be Bolstered by my own Faction Members. And Lastly: I'm cute and sweet, Hellen, but I will not hesitate to break my foot off in your deepest and darkest if you think for a second I'll allow you to bark at me."

Kenny cleared his throat softly. "Now, let's all-"

"Don't get in it, bro." Uric interrupted him swiftly, pulling him back to where he and Jack were standing, looking mildly terrified.

Hellen took a few deep breaths, then sighed, and smoothed her perfect hair back needlessly. "Alright, you make several good points... what do you suggest we do, then, to complete the Dungeon with Charisma?" She crossed her arms, looking down at me sternly.

"Simple; we'll sneak by the monsters, which will likely be Treants, and then I'll talk to the Fairy King Oberon, the King of the Fey and the Spring Court in particular. If it fails, we fight until we die, and take our x5 XP as well as our 40 PvP Credits each, and hope that's enough to take Second Place, considering the Grey Faction can take Second Place, but none of the others can." I shrugged, graciously ignoring her lack of an apology and turning to the boys. "Stop cowering in the corner, boys, your mamas are done arguing for now. Let's go get our butts handed to us by an Archfey, yeah?"

Uric sighed softly, walking to the front of the group and beginning to lead us deeper into the forest. "Yay..." he cheered weakly, and knelt quickly as we all noticed a tree about sixty feet from us was slowly moving. "Damn... Treants... stick to lightning damage, Jack, we don't want a forest fire, please-"

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