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^^ Infant Kraken ^^

"50,000 Gold for a simple stretch of Water? Really?" I sighed at the Guild Representative who was showing me the Territory that was available out in the Ocean that was of the Level Bracket for Level 40-45 Gates.

"Yep. Fifty square miles of Ocean Property, 50,000 Gold, it's actually a great deal!" He nodded enthusiastically.

I rubbed my face for a moment, debating it, and then nodded. "Alright, yeah, do it... it'll also be a Vender Location, so I'll need a Representative of the Guild to make it a Legitimate Business, right?"

"We would appreciate it, though technically if you simply claimed it as a Satellite Location to your Potion Shop, like your Ship, there would be no problems; however, if there are any changes to Topography, do let us know so we can Map it Properly." He handed me a small bronze placard with the location of my territory emblazoned on it, as well as my signature and the Guild's Stamp of Approval, then grinned happily at the commission he'd likely just received.

"Alright... I'll do that, then." I nodded and stepped out of the building to return to Hellen. "All done here, and here's where we're going; we could fly or Teleport, your choice?"

"I actually vote for Flying; if this place is going to be my Inspiration for a Nautical Piece, I want to see the approach to get several different angles and differences." She nodded happily and opened her wings, taking off instantly.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm and summoned my wings as well, flying after her and gently correcting her direction so she wasn't flying the wrong direction. Still, it was a twenty-minute flight, so I spent the time designing the basic topography, an archipelago of small jungle islands filled with various wildlife that I had to pay for per creature, but with the Breeding Skill I only had to buy two of each and they'd manage fine on their own.

The decision to move my Dungeon out of the Titans and into the Water was a risky one, considering not only players but even other Monsters could attack my Dungeon, but I thought the Rewards and Risks matched up rather well! First: the Increased Space!!! I would have needed to buy a ridiculous 1,000,000$ worth of water just to match it, and besides the fact that no Outside Ships could be brought in, -which would mean my Ship-Graveyard would never actually come to pass,- there was also the obvious truth that my Customers weren't exactly incentivized to Trade when they were inside of a Dungeon. Next: the space that used to be Ocean inside my Dungeon could now be changed to Stone, increasing the volume available to my Labyrinth exponentially! The Slimes and Dungeon Architect were already working together to expand my Labyrinth outward, while the Artificers were creating Traps.

"Is that it, up ahead?" Hellen called over to me, pointing at a small cluster of islands that had just rounded the Horizon.

"That's the one!" I confirmed, gaining altitude to get a better view of it from above while she stayed low to the water for the view people would have from a Ship.

The end of the Archipelago closest to the Titan was where the Docks from my Dungeon were moved, as well as a small series of thatched buildings and Nassau-esque design, and a trio of Dry-Docks for Repairs, just begging to be attacked as retribution for what I'd done to the Docks of the City, but the Ships from my dungeon, (transported out in pieces and set to be reassembled at the Docks,) were patrolling around that end of the Archipelago with Respectable Attire and Flags to mark themselves as Privateers, not Pirates. Anyone who screwed with the Docks, the Ships, or the Market, would get smashed to pieces; either by my Privateers, or on the many reefs I'd had built around the archipelago: only my Ships had the Sonar necessary to detect them, though with Crystal-Clear water they could possibly be avoided if you were a good enough sailor.

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