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Duan Xiubo will be thrown back to the desktop. The small newspaper homepage is printed with the entire color picture, with a cafe in the background. Duan Xiubo and Yan Jingjing sat face to face. Yan Jingjing's agent laughed and said something. Because of the tilting angle of the photo, Mi Rui, who was sitting beside Duan Xiubo, was not recorded by the picture.

The title goes like this-"Duan Xiubo Yan Jingjing meets in private and talks in a smiling and intimate manner"


Duan Xiubo wants to curse, the editor's eyes are blind, is there any other laughter in the photo besides Yan Jingjing's agent? Mingming Duan Xiubo and Yan Jingjing both wore sunglasses without expression. This was not a private meeting, but Duan Xiubo learned that Yu Shaotian had invited Yan Jingjing for his decision without authorization. He was worried that there would be no tacit understanding on the red carpet. In order to avoid this kind of misunderstanding, he also specifically requested to bring the agents or assistants of both parties to take work records. The location of the window was selected by Yan Jingjing. The lady made a small request, and he could not be at all accommodating.

"Call Yu Shaotian."

Yu Shaotian was also in dire straits. After receiving the phone call, he apologized to him: "I don't know. I really set her up because of her good reputation before. I didn't expect people to be handsome."

Yan Jingjing's image has remained relatively mild since she shared a scandal with Cao Dingkun many years ago. After gradually becoming popular, her work style also became low-key, and she was also pragmatic when speaking. She always said that she wanted to speak with her works. Her husband was not known, but she was always hanging by her mouth. To be honest, this series of practices is really good for her. Because of this, after learning that Huo Lianshan was unable to accompany Yan Jingjing on the red carpet due to the drama's resident crew, he took it for granted that Yan Jingjing was connected with Duan Xiubo, who also did not have a suitable female partner. .

If you accidentally make a big mistake, this time you also put Duan Xiubo in, Yu Shaotian is very guilty.

"Forget it." Duan Xiubo could not blame him for this attitude. Fortunately, since he had contacted Yan Jingjing, he had kept a distance from the other party subconsciously, and on the premise of being polite enough not to be outrageous, he kept the communication depth of nodding as politely as possible.

And now, the prudent care he has always insisted on has undoubtedly saved him again. Although Yan Jingjing is not as well-known and influential as he is, he is a family member. If this kind of news is distorted and distorted by a caring person, it will greatly damage the reputation of both Yan Jingjing and him.

Thinking of Yan Jingjing, Duan Xiubo felt aversion in his heart.

In the beginning, he really didn't doubt the other person. After all, when it came to the boy's primary three, obviously the woman's derailment in marriage was even more unpleasant. Yan Jingjing really wanted to make a topic of her own derailment, which was definitely a joke.

However, the subsequent reports apparently gradually pushed the head of the relationship between the two sides towards Duan Xiubo. In various announcements and media releases, the frequency of Duan Xiubo's name is much greater than that of Yan Jingjing.

Yan Jingjing's answer to the interview after the red carpet also seemed to be very meaningful at this moment.

The reporter asked why she would walk the red carpet with Duan Xiubo. Are they familiar?

She did not conceal the surprise on her face: "Elder Duan has always taken care of me. This time I had an appointment with Lao Huo this time. I didn't expect Lao Huo to temporarily release me and say that I would stay in the crew. I was very disappointed, but the next day Duan took the initiative to send me an invitation, and I am really happy to work with him. "

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