Another day: Ch 1

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Wind rushed through your hazzy room, allowing all maner of lose, light objects to roam freely and far from their place upon your teddy covered bed.

The remainder of your room, in stark contrast to the cozy furniture centered in the middle, sat rather orderly, par from a stacked pile of books and homework on the corner of your desk that never seemed to reduce.

You sighed, sitting straight against the headboard of your double bed, hugging tight onto your favorite grey dog toy as you leant down to rest your head.

For some time you had been clenching your toes into the soft fabric of the sky coloured sheets, embracing the calming sensation of the grounding that it provided you, watching with weary eyes as your best friend unpacked her bags.

She had come over without notice, but this was nothing new as your 17 years of bonding had made you prievy to her personality, and consiquently, her absurd spontanuity.

She let a wild bird posses her as she sqarked a deffining sound sighting the fluttering papers that she, against your recommendations, had left upon your bed.

Her arms flung up and out in a mad flurry as she darted to capture each and every precious partchment, falling heavily to your bed in exhaustion upon completion.

You only chuckled, stairing at her in slight admiration as you moved your feet, practicly protecting them from her crushing weight, as she rolled over to glare at you.

"Hey!" She heaved out of breath, "great help you are, what if they got distroyed because you left the" she continued stoping only due to a choking fit caused by her outburst.

You could only rase an eyebrow and widen your (e/c) eyes at her. Shaking your head as she forowed her brows, squinting as light tears were drawn from her pain, head thrashing up with more force as each cough strained from her chest.

At this your arms streched out to pull her up, allowing her to breathe with less effort, and quickly taking from her the items she held dear.

Just as you thought it a good idea, quickly securing them, the hand in which she prevously held them with such care, shot up and beat at her chest.

Your eyes widened and you were greatful for your quick actions, the thought of another bombardment of her unjustifiable blame unfocused your eyes and sent them rolling with displeasure at the thought.

As the waves of chaos retreated quickly from the shore of space between you, you braced yourself, and rightfuly so as a tsunami would soon be upon you.

Yet your friend's next moves would hardly be the most eventful, nor impactful occurrence of your year, as surprises lay in wait of the coming days.

You clenched your teeth and pulled your habitually bitten lips tight against them as (y/bf/n) flomped down with the force of a piano onto your bed, before growling and flinging herself up.

You think she must have been possesed by a bird again as she was by the window before even a grain of sand could fall through time, and for the full two meter between your bed and wall, her feet touched no ground right until her landing. She slamed it closed with force enough to shatter concrete and you jumped, rubbing your head as cups, pens, games, movies and cds fell from the wood above.

A yell could be heard from the kitchen bellow and you panicked, staring breathlessly at your friend. Both jaws hung low, yours in shock, and hers in realisation before it quickly snapped up into an awkward grin.

You only shook your head and held up her photo cards and stickers in a threatining manner. You did so knowing that your mimicry would send her to her knees in apology because these items were presious. The seven people they dipicted had saved her from harsh times, and they had saved you too.

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