Loud crowd: Ch 9

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Glee was bounding from your eyes like sheep over a fence as you saw the seven begin their performance.  The spotlights centred on the members, illuminating only them in the otherwise dark stadium, highlighting their radient and elegant beauty as they performed. Their steps were completly synchronised, perfection in their tones as their music reached your ears.

The fans were estatic and frankly so were you as (b/f/n) jumped up and down, waving her ARMY bomb with the crowd in a physical manifestation of your inner feelings.

But something felt off, a different kind to the out of place you'd been feeling, and you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You looked between them, taking in their beautiful features in attempt to figure things out.

Jimin had soft blue hair, a light fringe brushing occasionaly over his aqua green, sparkling eyes. Jin had dark black hair with equally enticing eyes, contracting the light, white hair of the normally sleepy rapper, who himself had eyes to match Jin's. Jungkook had light hazelnut hair, his eyes a few shades darker, a very close match to Tae's. Though occasionally the eyes of the deep brown, currly haired brother would appear severly darker, a brown that would rival the blackness of his hyung's eyes.

You admired all their faces as you studdied them, looking over to RM as he sang, his beautiful purple hair bouncing with his every move and his light grey eyes darting quickly about, almost in search of something.

Just as you were thinking that perhapes they were all distracted by something of importance, you looked over at the burgundy red haired Hobi, locking eyes with him. Under the light they changed from a dark brown to a deep, lustrous red, his smile beaming at you as he missteps, almost tripping. In a similar manner you stager forward a few steps, your knees weak and head falling, and your arm rises to grip your neck as you catch yourself.

You look up again, quick breaths of panic escaping your constricted lungs, and notice that all the boys are now looking in the same direction. Shivers ride down your spine and the fans around you scream, and converge in excitment of their idols looking their way. In the hectic crowd you grab tightly onto (b/f/n's) arm, not noticing the two security guards looming closer, before the yells die down as half the boys look away.

The other half seem unable to even glance away from the thing in your area that has caught their sight, and you wonder what it could be. Your curiosity leads you to turn and glance around, seeing nothing of intrest but fellow fans and (b/f/n), pausing to look at her preoccupied face before giving in and focussing back on the stage.

Eventualy they all look away and the performance continues, the crowd growing hectic at times before calming. But every so often they would gaze at you, smiling internally with excitment, knowing that they were going to meet you soon, and doing their best to sing and dance for their fans, the world, and now most importantly, you.


The stage had continued on for another hour or so, ending with an encore performance of Born Singer.

The crowd filtered out the stadium like clumps of flour through a sift, not easily but eventually everyone got through the doors. You stuck to (b/f/n's) back, following her like a lost kitten as she lead you through a door that aided in sectioning off those leaving and those with tickets to the fan meet. She stopped abruptly a few doors later and you crashed into her.

She spun on her heels, grabbing both of your shoulders before hurriedly stating, "(y/n) one moment. I'll be right back, I just need to use the loo". With that she dashed down the corridor which had lead you to where you now stood alone, proped up wearily against the wall, eyes closed as you rested.

Hearing heavy and rhythmic steps that, unlike those around you, did not simply wish to pass you by, you oppened your eyes. The two guards who had been watching you during the concert now approached, stoping a few feet away.

One of them lowers their head to meet your eyes, speaking in accented english, "You are the lucky winner of our randomly given out pass to the fan meet and back stage experience."

Before you have a chance to process, the other, slighyly shorter, character pipes up gaining your attention, "meaning not only will you get to attend the meet, but you also get to visit and spend time with all seven BTS members in their waiting room after it has concluded."

Shocked, you blink at your luck and their words, but enevitably you have to refuse. There is only one pass in hand, and you were supposed to be going with (b/f/n). You didn't want to abandon her or sound ungreatful by asking for a second pass for her.

Even disregarding your loyalties and thinking about spontaniously taking this amazing offer, you think that it would be too much. You already felt, and worse, looked like the dead. You worried to appear privately in front of such amazing and inspiring people in such a state, or worse, passing out in front of them. And if you were feeling like this, then imagen how they, after dancing and singing their hearts out, would be feeling. You wanted them to have time to relax and recover.

You polietly shook your head, your hands making little waving motions as the slip and lanyard was motioned towards you, "um, I'm sorry but I can't accept. I just don't feel up for it and I am waiting for my friend," you pause as their eyes widen and they look at each other panicked.

The one holding the pass opens their mouth to speak whilst the other's arm extends, his hand moving to your wrist. You step back slightly into the wall, panicking about why your refusal is being taken so negativly, and quickly spouting out what you hope is a reasurance, "Plus, I am already going to the fan meet with my friend. We are going just as soon as she gets here."

You pulled the ticket from your bag and presented it as you spoke, deciding to keep it handy even after they viewed it as it would soon be required for your admittance anyway. At this the two backed off, nodding and turning to walk away after telling you that they hope you would enjoy the experience.

You just stand there, slightly dumbfounded, until the oblivious (b/f/n) returns, bounding off in the direction of the gathering as she drags you with her.

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