What do we have here? Ch 16

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Your stomach gargled again and you wispered, "shhhhh don't embaris me," even though you were the only on in the room. After crying for a few minutes you were feeling better. Emotionally mainly, but also physically. The intensity of the last round of pain had dulled into a blanket of thorns that now incased your whole body, presed especially hard against certain sections; your neck, wrist, shoulder, and so on.

You don't actually know how long you have been in here, and only now as you mind clears, are you realising that you left (y/b/f) back in that room. There were many winding corridors separating here and there, and you don't know if you could make it back.

You sigh, resigning yourself to recieve what ever (b/f/n's) reaction may be at a later time and opting to just text her that you were leaving. That is, if you could even mannage to find your way out.

Exiting the cubical, you walk up to the sinks, washing your hands (hygien people). As you absent mindedly let your eyes fall upon the image of your neck reflected in the mirror. You see a slight but unatural looking shadow emerging from the collar of your mustard jacket.

You reach your dripping hands up, shaking them slightly as you regain enough cognitive functions to not soak your collar, and pull the fabric away from your neck. The shadow is definitely there, only it's not a shadow. It stays the same no matter how you move your head. Tje light won't shift it and it's shade isn't changing.

You glare at it, confused by it's presence and just annoyed that it exists. After finding it on your neck you searched, as best you could, the other places where you were feeling pain. You pulled your sleve up harshly, took a photo of the back of your neck, stared intently at your left collarbone, and to your dismay the same kind of shadowy marks could be found in each place.

You wined, stomping a foot on the floor as you thought you would probably have to see a doctor about this. You hated doctors, you had since you were young. One time you had gone to the doctors surgery, the strange, stale atmosphere as off puting as always, and the strange lady doctor told you you were lying. About what? Who knows. You can't remember. It's dust under the rug. But the point is she told you you were lying and you most certainly were not. So yeah, it was kinda petty, but you hated going to the doctors.

You pull your sleve back down, flicking your collar into place. You leave it unbuckled, stiff fabric folded up in attempt to hide the strange markings from any prying eyes. You were a rather private person and didn't need any attention that this predicament may bring you, preferring to just stamper on home and deal with what ever this is yourself.

You checked your appearance for a final time, straightening a section of hair and grasping onto the straps of your bags as you filled yourself with determination.

You walked towards the door, a sigh brought on by the fabric in your hand and the remembrance of the fact that you still held their gifts. Leaving now you were unlikely to be able to give the members what you had made them, deciding that you would just hand them over to a guard if you saw one. Just begging them to pass the presents along.


Who's avoiding their responsibilities 📝👓 by writing this somewhat (completly) trash thing?🤷‍♂️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️

I'll give you a hint:

It is me 🎩🎩🎩


Thanks, byyyeee🖐🏼👋🏾

I didn't know you could change the skin tone of emoji's 😲
It's so cool and inclusive 😎😊

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