Chapter 5

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Maurice was the first of us to pull himself into the house through the broken window. Right as Carla was about to do so, the eater that was in the backyard made it over the fence and headed right for us. I managed to push the creature back with my axe handle and Carla got herself up and in the home.

Carla reached out a hand to me. "Come on, Reid!"

The dead thing from the yard reach out towards me and I jabbed the thing in its face with the top of my axe blade, knocking it back some. I grabbed Carla by the hand, Maurice reached out and grabbed the back of my jacket and the two of them started to pull me into the house.

The dead things from the road were filing in between the homes, and one of them grabbed my left foot.

"Shit!" I screamed as I felt the corpse's icy cold hands on my ankle. I started to kick at the biter wildly before the stench could sink its teeth into my flesh. I hurried into the house, flipping into the home and landing on my back. Well, landing on the rifle slung around my back. It felt a million times worse than falling on your keys.

I grunted. "Ugh. That hurt."

Maurice and Carla pulled me up to my feet. The group of eaters outside were trying to get into the house now. One of them managed to pull himself up and into the window frame and was about to step inside the house. Carla took care of that asshole with a spike to the forehead, hitting the corpse above his left eye. Carla pushed the dead thing from the window and into the group of corpses outside, buying us a little bit of time.

"Where do we go?" Maurice asked.

"Away from this fuckin' window, that's for sure," I replied.

I figured if we could get to the back door of the house, the three of us could get into the yard and escape the area that way.

"Follow me," I told Maurice and Carla.

The three of us headed to the kitchen of the house, I figured that's where the back door would be, and I was right. As we were heading for the back door to get the hell out of there, we heard the stenches outside, pulling themselves into the house.

Carla went for the back door and unlocked it. The first of the biters entered the kitchen. The dead guy snarled at the three of us and charged forward.

I used the top of my axe blade again, pushing at the stench's chest to knock him away from us. The corpse was forced back and in a sideways swing, I cut into the left side of the dead thing's head. I pulled my axe free just as another biter rounded the corner and stepped into the kitchen. I was about to take that dead thing out as well, but Maurice had grabbed me by the back and pulled me outside with him and Carla. We slammed the kitchen door shut, trapping the remaining biters in the house. But we had some problems that were in the backyard.

There was a dead thing eating a body in the yard. The dead guy heard our group and darted up from his meal to greet us. And by 'greet' I mean 'ready to rip the front of our throats out with their nasty ass teeth.'

The undead man lunged at Carla and grabbed the front of her jacket. He leaned in to bite her throat, but Maurice grabbed the eater by the back of his shirt and pulled him away. The dead guy stumbled around and then tried to grab Maurice. Before the biter could do so, I swung my axe and sent the blade into the back of the undead creature's skull, sending it face down to the ground.

I pried my axe free and that's when the dead guy's dinner sat up. She was a blonde woman and the dead man had been eating her neck and chest area. Freash, red blood spilled out of the huge wound in the front over her throat, spilling out onto the grass. She opened her eyes and looked at us with those empty, beige-colored eyes. Before she could even get up to her feet, I sliced her head off at the neck with my axe.

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