Chapter 6

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Cynthia and Angie avoided one another for the rest of the day. In fact, Ang decided that she would put her mattress in one of the back bedrooms in order to get away from Cyn. It wasn't a bad idea; I was all for making things less awkward around here.

In the evening, with Ang down the hallway, and Janice crashed out, Cynthia and I did a supply check. Everything was holding up pretty well. We had about a week and a half of supplies left.

Cynthia sat across from me at the kitchen table. She leaned in and whispered, "Are you staying or going?"

"I told you, Cyn, I don't know," I answered. "Why don't you want to go?"

"I don't trust them."

"What? For real?"



"There's just something about them."

"Maurice and Carla? Maurice seems nice, and Carla is a hot little MILF."

Cyn rolled her eyes at me. "Reid, please."

With Cynthia being disgusted with me, I knew that she was feeling better. "What don't you trust about them?"

"Maurice seems a little too eager of us to join his group. Don't you think?"

"Not really."

"Oh come on."

"What? I met all the others in the group too. They're pretty cool. And the warehouse is nice and spacious."

"Seems like you love it."

"It's nice. Didn't say I'd be moving there anytime soon.But, with the way things were going in the apartment? I just might go someplace new entirely."

"Yeah right," Cynthia scoffed.

"If I wanted to be around awkward, tense, familial bullshit, I'd go find my so called parents."

Cynthia laughed and then lit up a cig. Just what her healing lungs needed!

"I wonder why Janice wants to go?" Cyn asked me.

"We'll have to ask her in the morning," I responded.


"What about Ang?"

"What about her?"

"Are you gonna try and convince her to stay?"

"I might."

"Maybe she'll try to convince you to go with her."

"Fuck that shit," Cynthia replied. She could be so damn articulate sometimes. I needed to rest, so I left Cynthia and her cigarette in the kitchen and plopped down on my recliner. I headed off to sleep still not knowing what I was going to do, however. 

Why is it that whenever I'm having a decent night's sleep, something happens that wakes me up? It wasn't the undead assholes trying to get into the apartment either. Cynthia and Angela were at one another's throats bright and early the next day.

I was awoken by Cyn shouting, "Fuck you!" at Angie. Worst alarm clock ever.

I got up, "For fuck's sake!" I shouted.

The sisters were in the kitchen with Janice standing in between the two of them. "That's enough!" Janice barked at Cyn and Ang.

"If you want to fucking go, then fucking go!" Cynthia yelled at her sister.

"Hey. Watch your fucking mouth!" I yelled. No way I was going to pass that up.

"Now's not the time, Reid," Cyn snapped at me.

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